Saturday, April 12, 2014


Well now – I was booted off Blogit again for a week, until I could get some things caught up. Needless to say that Smooch’s healthcare is costing a bundle. He is worth every penny, of course. I can’t understand why Blogit wouldn’t take some of the chopped liver, of which there is plenty in my freezer, as payment...

Nevertheless, I’m back, and Smooch loves eating the liver, and all’s well that ends well.

My boy’s last blood results were not encouraging; the red cells should have been higher. If they are the same next Wednesday we’ll do a lung x-ray. His breathing is not so good either and that could be caused by the high doses of cortisone it seems, but the vets are talking tumor again. He has trouble negotiating the stairs, being as weak as he is, poor baby. He still loves to go outside, but needs to use the stairs then, and I’m leery about taking him out too often even if the mild exercise is good for him. I have been doing research and have started mixing Vitamin B12 in his food. I got the ok from the Vets – they say it can’t hurt – and I purchase it from the natural food store so there are no pharmaceutical chemical simulations.

My regular Vet was not available this week, and the new one asked me about using a muzzle while doing the test. I said no – no muzzle – you might get a kiss though. Ha-ha! And that’s what happened – Smoochie gave him a Wet Willie as soon as he was in reach, and the poor man spent a few minutes wiping doggie saliva out of his ear when it was done.

I had heard another client come into the waiting room during our procedure, so asked the assistant if she could keep an eye on Smooch while I paid the bill. He gets hyper now when he sees a strange canine – the constant attacks from my neighbor’s dogs have him on the defensive – it would be easier for everyone if I could take him straight back to the car without dawdling at the reception desk. She said sure, no problem, so off I went, completely forgetting to warn her that Smooch is quite adept at opening doors. I heard his howling protest when I left, so I hurried, but had no sooner arrived at the desk than here comes my boy, galloping down to me , dragging his long leash, with the assistant running behind, trying to catch up to him, LOL! The look on her face!! And her tone in which she declared “He just opened that door!!”

We did leave without further ado, and he kept his big head on my knee all the way home, just to make sure I wasn’t going anywhere. He follows me from room to room in the house, and sleeps beside the bed every night now. I get ‘the look’ when I leave to go to work in the morning, and I am so proud of him especially because, unlike Grump, it’s a new thing for Smooch being alone for over 10 to 12 hours. I only found that one puddle the first day, and nothing since.

It’s time to go cook his supper now, and the sun is still shining out there, so maybe a little walk to help digestion, and then both doggies will watch their mistress either dance or swear for the Habs’ game tonight, who are playing Jimmy’s Rangers.... 

Leaving you with a SMILE, and now that Blogit has allowed this delinquent lady to enter their portals once again, there will be plenty more SMILES on their way...
Luv from the Bush n Quebec.

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