Sunday, April 13, 2014


One B of a thunderstorm happening here right now, and I have two very scared loving pit-bulls curled up to my feet as close as they can get, and a kitty hiding under the blankets on my bed – one can only see his big eyes peering out as the big BOO-BOOOM shakes the whole house, competing with the loud drumming of the rain on my tin roof.

It is pouring. Apparently there are flood warnings issued for different places around here, and I imagine people are scurrying down to basements regularly to check on their sub pumps. They say it is to continue all day tomorrow and into Tuesday, so my beautiful, white snow will be replaced by mud...and more mud...and then will come Spring with her colorful array of blooms and green, green grass, and my regret for the lost snow will change to delight in the arrival of a new season.

I went with Helen today to visit her house. It is just perfect for the two people who have found love in each other again; roomy enough, but compact, with a well-cared for yard just big enough to keep her busy with her flowers, but not too busy. She will finally begin to enjoy life – and is quite determined that nothing or no-one will spoil it this time. Hats off to the lady! It’s about time!

Now – because I have much to say, and can’t decide which is important enough, and am too tired after a hectic day to even start, I shall instead wish you all sweet dreams, send you a huge, sleepy SMILE...and catch you tomorrow.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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