Thursday, October 10, 2013


We’ll be treated to a Japanese menu for one part of our Thanksgiving this year. My son and Yoshiko will be doing the honors at their city house on Saturday night. An international gathering; English, French, Japanese and German, with French being the common one for communication within the group. Supper will be followed by the hockey game, of course, at least for the men and yours truly.

For Sunday, Helen has invited her ex-hubby (who is still a very good friend), and her son to share a traditional turkey/ pumpkin pie meal here at home. Helen and I have a firm deal; I do the cooking and she does the clean-up. Perfect! My son and Yoshiko may attend too, but my daughter will be with her significant other’s family because there is also a birthday party happening there, and my youngest (the Rug rats’ daddy) will be away at his annual moose hunting camp.

My grandson called his mom this morning, slightly panicked because his little GF spent the night in pain with false contractions. As my daughter declared to me, but certainly not to Fred, “They ain’t seen nothing yet!” The baby is due in approximately 3 weeks, hopefully on October 27th, her daddy’s birthday. A new generation, and the first for this family, so we’re all looking forward to the big event.

No success on the job search yet. Fortunately I still have a few things to be done here and there from previous clients; not enough to make a decent wage, but every little bit helps. I figure the right thing will come along eventually; it usually does.

In the meantime, I am enjoying our fine October weather and the awesome colors everywhere in the bush and on my mountain. I can’t help but think of Bird, and the many hours we spent together admiring the same view from my gallery. It doesn’t seem possible that this coming Monday will make it two years since he passed over.

The doggies are standing at the door giving me the walk-time look, so I’ll wish y’all a great day, and to start it right, or end it right, depending from which part of the world you are reading this, I send you a big SMILE. A hug with that?

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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