Friday, October 19, 2012


The 3 doggies, sharing a couch

Smooch is hurt. Last night we were out taking our daily run – Smooch, Grump, Louka and I when Dora, my grandson’s kitten, shows up at the bottom of the stairs. The 3 huge dogs made a beeline for her and she raced up the stairs to get away. The dogs collided while trying to navigate the bottleneck on the stone steps, I guess. The wall was blocking my view. I heard a yelp of pain, and turned the corner to see Smooch lying there. When I saw he couldn’t walk, I enlisted Fred’s help to carry the poor doggie up and into the kitchen. I believe it’s a sprain – it doesn’t seem to be broken because he did get to his feet a short time later, but is dragging that leg behind him. This may mean a trip to the dreaded vet later this morning. Ugh – Kujo time. Dora, by the way, escaped safely, and was probably sitting up there smirking when she saw the result of the chase.

My oldest grandson, Fred, is presently negotiating the purchase of a house on this road, about half a mile behind mine. He and his little girlfriend are finding the noise from the Rug Rats a bit overwhelming – three little dudes running and yelling very early in the morning when you are trying to sleep below them can be disturbing. The house is brand new, and if all works out, he’ll be moving at the end of November. At the moment, my son, his lady, and the three boys are sleeping in the open loft upstairs. The space is large enough, but there is no privacy. If Fred does move, his apartment will be transformed into bedrooms for the children. Each will have his own room, plus there will be a play/TV/area, and their own bathroom. The parents will keep the loft.

Tomorrow we’ll be celebrating Mommy’s birthday. She has invited her dad & mom & brother for supper. At the same time, 7 year old Nalou is having a miniature pyjama party – there will be a couple of extra Rug Rats staying over. Just before leaving for school, Nalou was setting up the living room for his guests, and pointed out who would be where. He had each of his male friends on other couches, but his “Lover”, the only little girl invited, has a special reservation, on the biggest couch. He also informed me that he would be sharing it with her, and the sly grin that accompanied his statement was hilarious! I have a feeling that Mommy will be making a change in his sleeping arrangements.

I’ve been spoiled this week. On Tuesday evening I was invited to Dawna & Malcolm’s lovely house for supper. The meal is always delicious, and the conversation stimulating with these friends. The next night I met my daughter and her two oldest at a Bistro, where we celebrated Fred’s 22nd birthday with a fondue. Because of her intensive study and work schedule, I don’t see my granddaughter often; both she and her mother are ‘gigglers’, and Fred is such an easygoing dude...a fun time!

On both nights I had a curfew – I needed to be home for 10 PM so that Mommy could go into work on the graveyard shift. The Rug rats were already in bed, but I was greeted by 3 dogs and 2 cats (the parrot hasn’t moved in yet), each of them vying for my petting, while keeping a wary eye of the others in the group. Grump, being the head honcho, stayed the longest by my side, leaning against my knee. Even the cats treat him with deference.

“And that’s the way it should be, huh, Grump? You the man!!” I ruffled his ears, then hugged this patient friend of mine before kissing the top of head. He turned and gently licked my hand, and together we SMILED.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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