Friday, July 17, 2009


Whoops ! It was one of those sleepless nights,. I was too restless to write, so I spent some of the hours doing much needed housework, then logged into my writing blog to read up on a few of my favourite authors in there. Murphy claimed me around 4:30 AM. It goes without saying that I didn't hear the alarm when it rang at 6:00 AM. I only regained conscious at 9:30, and it was Bud's barking that woke me.

There was already heavy traffic winding its way out of the city as I drove to work. The drive home tonight is going to be extremely SLOW! I was planning on leaving the office early anyway, with hopes of beating most of the jam. No such luck. They're away ahead of me!!

Bird and I were in for his check-up last Monday. The doc studied his throat, told him things were looking pretty good, but that he must gain weight, and he must quit the cigarettes, if he wants to make it to his 2-years-following-treatment-still-around point. That seems to be the magic duration for the majority of people with throat cancer; if they make it to there without any other tumours showing up, they can be reasonably assured that they have won the battle. Bird is on his 18th month - 6 more to go – so needs to be even more careful. I'm shopping around for laser treatments. It's the only 'stop' effort he has not yet tried. It works for some. Who knows? It may be the ticket, and there's sure no harm in trying. The doc also told him to keep his stomach tube in until he gained more weight. The bro is finding the tube irritating, but understood, and agreed.

Shan shook hands on the sale of her house last night. She has one month to find another home within her price range, pack everything up, and hand the key to the new owners. She also works 45 to 50 hours per week. We know the buyers well – the fellow is one of Bow's many friends who spent a lot of his childhood hanging around our home; experienced his first drunk there, (maybe other first things too, but we'll not get into that!), learned the computer basics there, knew exactly what was in our pantry and where to find the pots to cook if he was hungry. He & his huge family (5 kids) will be at our party tomorrow, as he is every year, so Shan told him that, seeing the house was now his, he could control the crowd, LOL!

Aha! I can see that the backup on the server has terminated, so I can get out of here before the auto route becomes a REAL parking lot!! Enjoy your day, people, and will catch you later. I'm sure you all have SMILES on – the sun is up in all its glory. A rarity this summer!

I need to go shopping for Birthday presents! Ciao!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Resuming the writing of your blog makes me say: Koolcat rides again.
I spoke to Diane to-day. Leaving on vacation tonight. Wanted to go to lunch next week. I can't make it, going to Vancouver and I'm not ready. Hope you have a lot of fun at tomorow's party. Bo 36 and you 50(US), Happy birthday to both of you. Kilroy xxx