Friday, July 24, 2009


My bed is so comfortable, especially so when I have to get out of it in the morning. Time off is becoming a necessity now. I have to sing to myself to keep from nodding off during the drive home each day. Not a good thing when I’m the one driving, LOL.

It was really late when I finally did get home last night. A client who was supposed to show up at 4:30 was delayed, and finally made it around 6:15. At least the rush hour was over by the time I left the office, already a plus. I stopped off to see the Bird on the way home, chatted with him for a bit, and it was past dark when I pulled into my own driveway. Ugh! The damage was done - I was ‘over the hump’ so to speak, meaning that I was too tired to sleep, or unfortunately, to do anything else either. I have to call my cleaning lady – I want her back. It’s becoming a necessity instead of a luxury.

The good news is that another person will be starting a job because of our efforts, and a permanent one too. The guy was real happy when I called him with the news yesterday. That is a bonus for our work – we spend time making people happy, and get paid to boot!! What more could you ask?

I’ll be anxiously waiting to hear from Shan today. The papers are to be signed for the transfer of houses, and she’ll be more relaxed when all is official. The uncertainty and waiting is a pain.

Off I go – into the shower before hitting the highway. At the risk of jinxing my plans, I am still going to say that we’ll shut the office down early today. Keep you fingers crossed for me, please, and don’t forget those SMILES. They’re the most important thing you can put on each morning!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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