Thursday, July 16, 2009


I was up early, looking forward to getting back into my morning routine. All went well until I attempted to blog on Nothing. Nada. I decided to try it from the office, thinking that maybe my satellite connection was to blame (my apologies to The office ultra high-speed didn't bring up the page either. Two days later I made the decision to move my Blog to Google. So here we are. I'll send out the new address to those I know read it regularly, and maybe post it on Facebook for those who read, but of whom I am not aware.

Today I'm posting here what I was trying to put in my usual spot on Things are looking up, and I should be back to regular posting from now on. Sorry about the time-lapse!

Et le voici!

I knew I was missing my home, but didn’t realise how much until I stood on the gallery this morning. The sun made the view of my mountain so perfect. I gazed at it, absorbing the beauty, one hand fondling Bud’s ears, the other holding the inevitable cup of steaming, sweet, black coffee. Isn’t it weird how joy can bring on tears? You’d think we would have enough of that when bad events are happening. Joy should make us smile. Contrary things, us humans.

This weekend is our birthday party. My son Bow & I always celebrate together. Our b-days are within two days of each other. He was my gift 36 years ago. The party will be held at Shan’s place, and my youngest, Jo, who has canteen service, is making food for the gang. His chili is terrific! Bow’s childhood friends, who spent A LOT of time at my house as they were growing up, usually all attend. It is so much fun to see them each year – keep tabs on what is happening in their lives, meet the newest offspring…The evening ends with us sitting around rehashing old times. I learn about events that had happened under my nose without me being aware…teen pranks. It’s a great deal of fun, and our bellies hurt from laughing by the time we straggle to our beds. A perfect way to mark another 365 days of maturity (note the word I used, lol!).

Yoshiko is back from Japan (until September, when she will go again – with Bow this time), and Line has returned from Paris. Now it is the partners’ turns. They are leaving this weekend for 2 weeks vacation. It should be quiet enough at the office though, seeing that most of the province is doing the same thing for the construction holiday. It is already apparent during the morning rush hour – even with ongoing road repairs, traffic isn’t so dense.

Speaking of which – it’s time for me to leave for the city. Hope you all have a great day and, LOOK!! The sun is out there! You can’t help but SMILE when you see that.

It isn't hard to guess that the above was previously written, 'cause there is no sun out there this morning! It has been a wet summer so far, hasn't it? Personally, I don't mind it all that much - but I'm working inside all day, so what do I know, right? We'll keep our fingers crossed that the Dunany Demons be nice for the next two weeks when a lot of folks will be on vacation.

In spite of the wet weather, have a great day, folks! Don't forget to give someone the gift of your SMILE today! It could be more important than you think.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Hey Koolca-its nice to see you on the circuit again. Your last one is dated June 24- that's too long. I like reading you. Kilroy----XXX