Monday, May 20, 2013


My nephew texted me from Alberta. His lady was flying out to meet him; they would be visiting Banff, then driving home to New Brunswick, and would be stopping in to sleep over, if I didn’t mind. Of course I didn’t!!

I had never met his girlfriend, but he had already told me that she was into organic products. Ha! Right up my alley. To avoid wasting time, they were hitting fast-food joints along the way, and were looking forward to a decent meal. I pulled out the last of my bionic chickens and stared preparing fresh organic vegetables. There is nothing like a savory Chicken Pot Dinner followed by hot Apple Crisp and French Vanilla ice cream to make things right. Cooking is more fun accompanied by good music and a glass of red wine, so I added those too.

The problem started when we realized that my nephew had misjudged his time of arrival. He was going to be quite a bit later than expected, which meant a delay in cooking. It also meant more time to enjoy my wine. I lowered the oven temperature and, a refilled glass in hand, drifted outside to relax on my gallery.

It didn’t take long for the alcohol to hit me. I imagine my recent illness lowered the usual tolerance. Suddenly I was very, very sleepy. I knew I had time however, so I set my alarm for 45 minutes, and stretched out for a snooze.

It was the smell of very-well-done chicken that woke me. Coming to with a start, I looked at the clock, aghast to find that I had slept through the alarm and then some. It was 3 hours later!!!

I used to be able to bounce out of bed and be immediately alert. Not anymore. I won’t go into my bumbling efforts to catch up. Suffice it to say that the chicken was not past rescuing, I was able to salvage the meal, even if it wasn’t exactly as I liked, and all was presentable, myself included, by the time the young couple arrived. They enjoyed their supper, we chatted until 4 AM, and I expect it will take me a couple of days to recuperate.

In fact, that’s all I accomplished after their departure yesterday – recuperation. I snoozed off and on, glimpsing some of the Rangers/Bruins hockey game (sorry, Jimmy. I was rooting for the Rangers too), but was more able to see the Senators beat the Penguins in a late, 2 overtime period game last night. At one point (don’t ask me when) my son and my Japanese DIL came by for an hour chat, and I believe I made decent conversation. This morning I picked up my phone and noticed that there were some calls I missed too.

Actually, the down time didn’t hurt. Rest is what the doctor ordered, and that is what I’m getting. I can’t remember any weird dreams either, so maybe I’ll just skip the meds next time. Hmmm – I took note of that brand of wine.

Hope all my Canadian friends are having a good holiday. And for all of you, wherever you live, I am sure the SMILES I’m sending out will make it there – they have the knack of finding whoever wants one. There’s probably a few at your door right now!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

ladymugins said...

Hello Rhonda, I have been missing you and came and caught up onyour blogs. Many Thanks for the smiles ...sending some back to you! Love 'n'hugs Merkie