Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I woke at 4:30 AM, hopped out of bed, and tripped on my slippers. Ha-ha! Even as I struggled to maintain my balance, I realized how much better I’m feeling. The slipper event is a regular occurrence when I’m healthy. You would think I’d learn to put them out of the way, right? When sick I drag myself slowly up, so have time to register that the darned things are there. This is the first morning it has happened since before my trip to Japan. Love that slipper trippin’, even if it has landed me on my butt more than once!

As I suspected, my doctor’s appointment yesterday was good and bad. Good in that I was there when he called the two clinics that had sent me the ‘dire warning’ letters and we got things straightened out. Nothing so dire at all; in fact, it took a load off my mind. The bad is that he is sending me for more tests (UGH!), and that his assistant got caught out because she hadn’t followed up on the referral to a specialist he had ordered at the end of March. I believe she will be more careful this time, but took copies of the referrals home with me...just in case. If I hear nothing within the next couple of days, I’ll follow it up myself. I’ve learned that one has to be very pro-active when wanting something done. Incompetence seems to reign nowadays – or maybe that’s just my inner grumpy old lady thinking.

The most important thing is that the morale is nearly back to where it should be. It’s raining and gray outside, but inside I have sunshine. I was soooo missing it, that warm, positive feeling so important to day to day living. I was having to hunt for it, talk myself into it, and often just gave up and whined. Not good. Not me.

But I’m back!! And the SMILES going out to y’all today are huge, and warm, and giggling. It's contagious!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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