Friday, May 17, 2013


When I opened the bathroom cupboard to pull out my last box of tissues, I realized that I have gone through 12 large boxes within the last 2 weeks. That’s a lot of nose blowing, and I know it’s not over yet. With each day I feel better, mostly due to resting as much as anyone possibly can without being in a convalescence home. So far I have managed to ignore the dust gathering in the corners of the house, and the yard debris that was once covered by beautiful, white snow, and the glaring evidence of repairs to be done. I’ve decided to give myself until Monday for this healing thing. I don’t want to end up back on my butt again by throwing myself into it too soon.

Susie (the Cuban one) has been coming in to help for office work, and my daughter took a day to come by and wash all my floors. It was a great morale booster. They say that we’ll have sunshine for the upcoming long weekend – another way to coax me back into action. Because I haven’t really been outside, I didn’t experience last week’s influx of pesky black flies. It snowed here on Sunday and Monday, and was cold enough to reactivate the fireplace, so hopefully those little buggers have seen their numbers reduced.

Other than NHL playoffs, and some very weird dreams caused by the medication, it has been mostly ‘ho-hum’ in the bush. The energy level is still low, so it’s just as well.
Sorry about the boring post, folks, but I’ll do better next week. I just wanted to come in and say hello, tell you that I’m still around, and to send you some SMILES!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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