Monday, May 13, 2013



Since my return from Japan, I’ve been sick, and sicker. The doctor stuffed me with medication, for which the side effects are as bad as the disease, and I finished it last night...finally! Maybe it’s all in my head, but it seems I am feeling much better today mostly because the pills are done. I’m looking forward to feeling like a human again, and eating something other than chicken soup, which was coming back up nearly as soon as it went down anyway.

My daughter is having a gathering of the clan at her home this afternoon. Well, part of the clan anyway. I’m not sure my youngest son will attend with the Rug rats – at the end of our phone conversation this morning he told me he might drop in. I may have laid a bit of a guilt trip on him (smirk), but we know each other well, and he was aware of what I was doing, and if he hadn’t felt that I was right he’d have told me immediately. I hope he does show up; I haven’t seen my grandsons since his last visit here, in January, I believe, when his lady expressed extreme displeasure that he had dared come to visit his mom without her authorization. I guess the less I say about that, the better.

Just a note about my doggie situation: During the same week that Naut posted the story about his Ben being attacked, a situation occurred here too. I was sitting out on my gallery enjoying our beautiful weather. Grump and Louka were relaxing beside me, and Smooch was in the yard, playing with a ball just on top of the hill. Suddenly the neighbour’s two killer dogs came running from the bush. Remember those dogs who had attacked Smooch when he was a puppy, and I retaliated by whacking their owner with a shovel? Yep, the same ones.

My heart was in my mouth. I knew I was too weak to fend off their charge – I would never make it in time. I saw Smooch lift his head, go completely still for a moment, his tail straight out, then he bounded toward them. I yelled at Grump and Louka, who were already on the move, but they would have to make it down the stairs then the hill before helping out.

Guess what? Smooch is no longer a puppy. He’s a big boy now. He weighs in around 110 pounds, and is tall; I’m pretty sure he has some mastiff in his bloodline. Was it his size? Or his self assured attitude that he was defending his property? Whatever the reason, those two invaders turned and ran like the dickens back home, Smooch right behind them, and Louka and Grump right behind him. I could no longer see what was happening, but I heard the owner yell at them all, then he was trying to calm them down. There was some barking but no sounds of fighting. I waited. Maybe 15 minutes later my boys came home, tongues lolling, quite proud of themselves. I don’t expect total peace for the future, but I do believe that there will be more respect among our canines.


I left to spend an enjoyable Mother’s Day at my daughter’s, so am finishing my post up the next day. The Rug Rat’s daddy didn’t join us yesterday, but came by here this morning for coffee. It was great to see him. We had a nice chat, put some cards on the table, and hugged each other tightly, and more than once, when he left. It will take more than a princess to break up my family.

Belated Happy Mother’s Day to y’all, and of course a big, warm SMILE!!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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