Monday, April 29, 2013


I am not back to ‘me’ yet, but am feeling much better, although I still need to snooze off and on at the most inconvenient times. My son called to tell me that both he and the younger couple who toured Japan with us had found the pace and the return extremely difficult, so I shouldn’t wonder why it hit me so hard. Hmmm...yes, well, I guess his assurances did soothe my pride, if not one whit my body.

My doggies have been most patient, putting up with short walks, or even days without one at all; my clients not so much, understandable with it being tax season. I’ve done some work, but not nearly enough to catch up, so writing and reading come in last. We’ll slowly get back to where we left off.

In the weeks preceding the trip, my doctor had sent me for tests of this and that. Letters from the clinics where the tests were done came in both days just before departure, telling me the results had been sent to the doc and to get in touch with him. Nothing seemed to be normal, damn it. I did call him last Wednesday, when I was able to stand straight for more than an hour. He was out all week, they told me, but his secretary gave me an appointment for mi-May. She advised that I call his office today so he could see me earlier if need be. It’s on my List of Things to Do. The more I talk to other people, the more I realize I shouldn’t complain (but I will) because, up to now, I have benefited from excellent health in spite of an ample share of stress , the eternal insomnia, and being a bit lack-a-daisy about self care. Many have not had such luck.

I’ll look into getting pictures up, and putting together some of the highlights of Japan as soon as possible. I do wish to publicly thank SAM444, whose texting of play-by-play during our Habs games kept 3 fans very, very happy! We were disappointed that most places did not connect to Wifi, so her being there was a boon to us all, and we’re extremely grateful! And now both her Wings and my Habs are in the series. Kool!!!

Although I still have some snow here in my mountains, I heard some Canadian geese arrive yesterday. The sun is shining, and high temperatures are predicted for the week. Spring is here, the flowers will grow, and my Dunany Demons have been sent to hibernate until next October rolls around.

Life is good, and that makes me SMILE.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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