Thursday, April 28, 2011


Last Friday I had the pleasure of babysitting my three little rug rats. We were playing ‘tent’ – you remember the game where a blanket is thrown over the back of the couch, you’re all hiding there in the dark, then a hand sneaks in from nowhere and tickles you? There was much laughter and giggling and squealing going on, so none of us realized we had a visitor until the voice called ‘Hello!’

It was a friend of mine, one I haven’t seen for ages. My son had met her earlier in the day, told her I’d be with the boys that evening, and she decided to drop in. We obviously hadn’t heard her knocking, so she came in and followed the noise, LOL! It started the weekend off with a nice surprise, and it wasn’t the only one to happen that night!

The children were in bed, my friend had gone on her way, and I logged into Facebook on my son’s computer. I was scrolling down the page, when my grandson’s status entry jumped out at me. ‘Party at my place tomorrow night!’ it said.
Ummm…his place? But…wasn’t that MY place too?

It was – and it happened. I had one eye on the hockey game and the other on the cars rolling in. I quit counting at one point. My grandson was out there making sure no-one blocked my exit; he is well aware that his great uncle’s condition could require that I leave quickly. Unbelievably, although the music was slightly louder than usual (but not louder than I play my own most of the time), the noise was perfectly tolerable. The next morning there were wall-to-wall young men crashed on his apartment floor; a wise move after a booze night!

I profited from the occasion. My daughter had returned a bedroom set that needed to be carried up two flights of stairs. No sooner requested than accomplished and with polite smiles too. I must say – it’s handy having strong, young arms around to do grunt work!

Now I have to run. The individual tax period is winding down but, because the majority of our business is corporate, we are in no way over the hump. I won’t be so involved in hockey now (I’m not even going to go into THAT!!!), and both Line and I are hoping that we’ll be able to catch our breath by the end of May.
Wishing you a great day, folks. In spite of my HABS loss (and because I’ve had the night to get over it), I’m SMILING!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Nice blog..I like the pleasant style. Never a complaint. Mémère a dont dû passer une belle veillée avec ses trois mafioso. Il faut en profiter à plein de ces moments exceptionnels, et le petit fils qui jouit de sa jeunesse avec sa prendre un petit coup...Quelle scène. Ceci me rappelles des souvenirs, de bons souvenirs.Ton blog transpire la bonne humeur. C'est beau