Sunday, December 19, 2010


There is nothing like starting off your day with a laugh! Most of my mornings begin by reading Kilroy’s blog, and today’s post with his witty comments about the continual repetition of Christmas music had me giggling before I finished my first coffee. I fully agree with him – it’s called too much of a good thing. Now and then the ear needs to hear something else, so I offered to lend him some AC/DC. I doubt he’ll take me up on it, LOL!

Last night I went to visit Suzie for a couple of hours. We chatted over coffee (the tequila is to bring in the New Year), and it is amazing how a good friend can bring up one’s morale. I left her house smiling, and decided to take the back country roads. It was a beautiful evening, with big, fluffy flakes falling on the windshield. Huge evergreen branches, heavy with snow, leaned in from each side, and gave me the impression of traveling in a cocoon, warm and safe. The sand trucks had not yet been out, and there was nothing to mar the expanse of white stretched before me. There’s something thrilling about being the first to make tracks in virgin snow. I wound my way home slowly, admiring the winter’s splendid scenery for as far as I could see under my headlight beams. The magic was complete when I had to stop to let 3 young deer run across in front my truck. The last one halted for a second and glanced back at me before leaping gracefully into the bush. I sat and waited in the silence, wanting to be sure there were no stragglers, my heart swelling with gratitude for being allowed to enjoy such simple pleasures.

It doesn’t stop there. Today I will run over and pick up my brother, who is coming to help me decorate the tree. Helen’s cooking lesson was put off yesterday, so she’ll be here too, and there’ll be smells of the traditional Quebecois Christmas stew to work by, LOL!

It’s still snowing; it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and the spirit if finally kicking this lady is SMILING!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Merci à Suzie d'avoir mis un grand sourire sur tes lèvres . Je sens l'âme de la poétesse qui resurgit..attaboy, Une belle description de ton retour à la maison sous la neige. Je les vois tomber d'ici ces gros flancs mous de flocons blanc immaculé. See Suzie more often, she's a good vitamin for you. Kilroy