The beautiful Louka.
I was standing at the kitchen sink, finishing up the dishes, when I heard scuffling on the gallery…. and was that a faint cry of ‘Help’?
It must have been telepathy. When I turned around, there was Grump-puppy, his face mashed up against the French door, staring at me through the glass, panic in his eyes, beseeching his mistress to let him inside. And will you please hurry!!! His dilemma was evident, so I hastened over to rescue the poor fellow. With a look of utmost relief, he slunk past and bee-lined to his doggie cushion, turning his back to the door before throwing himself down, attempting to become as small as possible. He was hiding. I couldn’t help but laugh aloud, and his expression told me I was adding insult to injury. It was just too funny. It is also one of the worst cases of sexual harassment that I’ve ever seen, LOL!!
My neighbor’s Sally, the Rottweiler, and the beautiful Louka, the wolf-husky mix, are in heat. Grump, being the only male in their immediate area, has become the target of their ardent desires. He had the big ‘O’ when very young, so he is slightly bewildered by their persistent attention. Both females are taller than he is, and they tend to become pushy when competing for his favors. Grump gets caught in the middle. To be fair, he does try to accommodate them, but the instinct is just not there, so he gets bored quickly. When the two of them come after him at the same time, he gets downright skitterish. It’s been so bothersome that he doesn’t even want to go outside if he sees Louka at the door, where she is more often than not. Being the star in doggie-porn is obviously not one of Grump’s aspirations.
This has been going on for about 10 days now, and I try comforting my poor pit by telling him that things will be back to normal within another 2 weeks or so. He listens politely, doing his best to ignore Louka’s face in the window, and, with typical male behavior, has wisely decided to keep his head down while the ladies are on the rampage. He’s waiting it out.
I’m sure he can’t understand why I find it so comical, so I won’t let him catch me SMILING as I write this. I’ll hurry and send it out to you, folks – and wish you all a great day!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
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