I woke up smiling, in a ‘powerful good mood’, as my sister used to say. There is no particular reason that I can think of. Maybe I had sweet dreams; I can’t recall any of them. Instead of stumbling out of bed immediately as I usually do, I lay snuggled in the warmth of the blankets, enjoying the soft breeze from the fan, feeling it gently blow over my face and through my hair.
Yes, I did remember that today is February 28th, the limit date to remit Summaries and T-4’s to the government; a hectic day in the best of times. A morning that, in past years, would have me hit the floor running. I can’t put my finger on why I am so calm, or why I am even taking the time to sit and write this post. One thing for sure, I’m certainly enjoying the feeling, and hoping it will last.
Could it have been the events of the weekend that brought it on? Saturday was mostly spent cooking up a feast for the visit of my Cuban friends. It’s an activity that I love, and the meal was tasty, the company fun, and I even managed to catch the HABS’ win in the midnight replay. On Sunday I cheerfully banged around in the kitchen, doing the mountain of dishes to the beat of AC/DC, while Grump watched on happily, certain that some of the leftovers would end up in his dish. Helen dropped in for her portion, and my grandson grinned as I carried a few downstairs and deposited them on his table. Life was good.
It’s has been snowing for a couple of hours already, and the prediction is for freezing rain later this afternoon. Not the best rush hour weather, but I know I need to be at the office, so I’ll jump in the shower and be on my way.
If any of you suddenly experience a warm, peaceful moment during the next few hours, it’s may be the result of my attempt to cyber-share my present feeling. If you look closely, you will see my SMILE!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Hi Koolcat..La lecture de ton courrier me rappelle le goût que j'avais d'écrire avant mon accident. Ma vie a changée et je me dois de la réorganiser. Je ne peux pas bouger comme je le voudrais pour le moment et ça m'agace en mosus de ne pas être capable de le faire. Je suis encore en physio deux fois par semaine. Je ne doute pas d'être capable de revenir en forme d'ici quelque temps. Le goût d'écrire va sûrement me revenir. à tantôt. Bye
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