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Wow. I’m beat. That Jacuzzi is going to feel so-o-o nice once I get into it!!
Before I succumb to those lovely jets and bubbles, I wanted to give you the good news…or rather…the better of two possibly bad news. My brother’s second head scan shows a mass, but nothing shining around it. This leads the doctor to believe that it was a small stroke, and not the spread of cancer, which caused the paralysis in his arm. They have added heart pills to his array of medicines, and he is to take aspirin every day besides. His arm is moving a little, but he cannot close his fingers, and has no control of his wrist. There will be therapy sessions scheduled, and a home care nurse to come in and evaluate his needs. The doctors from both hospitals are sharing information, so we should have the results of the biopsy this week too.
I brought him home today, and friends are rallying around to help out. Fran was preparing a meal for him when I left to his place, and others will look in on him later. He is quite content to sleep in his own bed tonight!
Grump is pouting on the couch because I just don’t have the energy to take a walk with him tonight. He’ll get over it.
I’ll be back tomorrow to read the posts I’ve missed. There is just nothing sinking in right now; my brain has shifted to neutral again.
With that I send you a sleepy SMILE, folks! May you all have sweet dreams…or at least some wild funny ones!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
That is exacly the way I felt when out of the hospital. J'étais au neutre, je n'avais pas le goût d'écrire. Çà revient tranquillement, mais pas vite, parfois je me force. Ce sont les sujets qui manquent, ou je ne me souviens plus de rien. J'invente Content pour ton frère. Maintenant, je crois que tu as bien mérité de te reposé. xxxx me
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