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My state of mind was not favorable for dealing with the intricacies of the accounting world. In other words, I was just skimming, and probably wasting valuable time. Frustrated, I decided to meet Malcolm and Dawna earlier than planned, get the new program on its way, then head home, where I could supervise my grandson’s moving furniture around later in the evening. I left the office before rush hour, and thankfully, was only a 10 minute drive away when my brother called my cell phone. There was a problem, he told me. He hadn’t been able to move his left arm since 8 AM that morning. He had waited, hoping it was just temporary, then had finally contacted the doctor, who told him to get to the nearest hospital, STAT! Once again all speed limits were ignored.
There was no waiting at the hospital this time. They whisked him into the emergency area, and after doing preliminary tests, he was sent for a head scan. A swelling of the brain, the doctor told me, but it’s not bleeding. “You see?” my brother quipped. “I do have a brain”
They are not sure if it was a stroke, or if his lung cancer has metastasized into that area already. Once again he was hooked up to beeping machines, and this time he didn’t complain about having to stay there. They were to do a second scan in the morning.
He was too weak to be transferred to the city hospital the next day for his results of the lung biopsy. When I called, the specialist there asked to have the reading of both scans faxed to him. He wouldn’t give me any information on the phone; my brother is over 18, and conscious, so there’s the privacy thing. As before…we wait.
I had, of course, contacted my children to let them know what was happening. Their Uncle Bird is a much loved part of our family. It was late when I finally left the hospital. I was pulling out of the parking lot when my cell rang again, and the number showed it was a call from my house. I was surprised to hear my daughter’s voice – what was she doing there? Not wanting to make things worse until my brother was settled down, she had waited to give me more bad news. Some pipes in my downstairs apartment had dislodged from the valves, and my grandson had arrived to find 4 inches of water all over the floor. He was attempting to mop it up when the bathroom ceiling tiles fell down on his head. He wasn’t hurt, only very wet! There would be no water until the next day, when we could obtain the necessary materials and tools to do the repairs. The bathroom was in shambles, and will need extensive renovations. It seems the water had been leaking most of the day.
I was too numb to react, other than think that If it was going to happen, it was better to be now instead of next Wednesday night, when I’ll be preparing for my colonoscopy exam the following day. We all know the type of procedure THAT entails and it is no time to be without running water!
From reading other blogs, I see it has been one hell of a week for many of us. I wonder if this has anything to do with that beautiful full moon we were gushing about the other day? I got home too late to see the HABS play last night, but from what I hear, both they, and the Wings, have been having a rotten time of it too! Ah well, my mother did tell me there would be days like this.
I need to get to the office now; life does go on. The sun is out there, and I saw one lone Canadian goose wind its way across the sky this morning, honking the ‘Spring is coming’ message, and it made me SMILE. I’ve been receiving your SMILES too, grabbing them out of the air as they show up, so let’s continue the boomerang effect – mine is n its way back to you!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Un moral à tout épreuve est nécessaire pour survivre à tout ce qu'il t'arrive . Plus tough que toi çà n'existe pas. C'est un honneur que de connaître une telle personne. Comment tu fais pour ne pas chiâler ou de rien casser ce qui est alentour de toi. Je prie pour la guérison de ton frère. C'est pas croyable tout ce qui peut t'arriver. xxx me
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