Oh my, what a game between Boston and the HABS last night! It was a ‘sit-in-the-edge-of-your-seat’ action, and would have been perfect if not for the bad hit on one of the HABS players. The kid is only 22, and is concussed, lying in the hospital. Unfortunate, but personally, I don’t think that kind of injury was done with malice. It was just the location on the ice where it happened; I doubt very much that Chara (the Bruin’s player), had time to notice exactly where they were when he hit. And hockey is a contact sport, after all. Still, if I was that kid’s mother…I would probably be roaring for revenge by now. Many of the HABS’ fans are going over the edge with calls for dire punishment. This town takes hockey to heart!
Was it the gorgeous sun shining outside our windows yesterday? Or the fact that I had already been awake for 6 hours before traffic allowed me to reach the office? Or the article that I read on the news stating that the provincial fiscal civil servants are belligerent, not adequately trained, and often hired on contract from foreign countries to strong-arm and harass our citizens and small businesses for tax collection? And they have monthly quotas?????
It was possibly a combination of all three. All I know is that I was in neutral, in the worst way. My concentration was at zero capacity. I hardly heard the words of the client sitting in front of my desk; or rather, I heard his words, but none of it was sinking in. It wouldn’t be amiss to admit that the only thing I accomplished was moving piles of paper from one place to another, and I’ll probably spend today looking for those piles because I won’t remember where I put them down!
One of the employees is on vacation in Cuba (I couldn’t refuse – it was a family affair and paid for by her father-in-law), and we were already short-staffed before she left. Poor Line did more than her share yesterday, trying to encourage me by stating that my being so tired was the reason I was unable to function; that it was understandable after the year I’ve been through. Ha!! I can just imagine my grandma’s comment on that excuse! In fact, she wouldn’t even have to say a word; she would just straighten her shoulders, give me that look of hers, and I’d get moving!
Which is what I plan on doing today – move those darned shadows that are numbing my brain. Enough is enough. My brother called to say he is feeling better, my grandson arrives home this evening, the HABS did win the game last night, and the sun is shining out there again….and, incidentally, yesterday is done and gone. Today is a brand new day, just waiting for me to fill it with good things and happy SMILES - I’m on it!!!
Hope your day will be pleasant too, and that you SMILE all the way through! (Ha ha! Poetic, I am!)
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Tu es indomptable . lâche prise un peu. laisse faire ta grand mère, elle n'est plus là, et les temps ont changé . All I ,can say about your attitude is that: "When the going get's tough, the tough get going", and that's you mon amie. Prends soin de toi. me
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