Photo courtesy of Photobucket
Snow, snow, and more snow. There’s much lamenting going on in this area. My Demons are over-staying their welcome. The closer we get to Spring, the louder are cries of ‘Not again!! We are fed up!’ I have decided to keep my delight under wraps; a bid for self-protection. I strongly suspect that people could start throwing things at me to shut me up, LOL.
I admit that the weather’s ups and downs are much harder on some folks. I just work from home when it’s bad, but many do not have that luxury. My son’s job requires that he spend the whole day negotiating the traffic and slippery roads, and his comment on Facebook this morning left no doubt as to his opinion of the storms. Censored!
It’s not ALL fun and games for me though. Missing a couple of days at the office during tax period means making it up this weekend. Ah well, them’s the breaks. Living in Canada is worth enduring the weather, and this year has not been as wild as some I can remember. As long as the electricity doesn’t fail for the HABS’ game tonight…..
Very early tomorrow morning I have to be at the clinic for some of those tests the doctor ordered, the ones I was supposed to have done…ummm…in February of 2010. It’s a 40 minute drive and nothing but water is to be ingested for 12 hours before my session with the medical vampires. There will be no coffee to snap me out of my zombie state….and I’ll be driving. I’m considering using my hazard lights to warn others on the road.
To be honest, it will be a relief to check things out. I can tell that something is wrong. I imagine it is just stress overload, but knowledge is better. Because I neglected to make the appointments within a year, I had to either see the doc again for a new prescription, or use a private clinic. I opted for the latter. It will cost money, but it will save time (which is money in itself) and I’ll also have the results much faster. The balance of probing is scheduled for next week, and the doctor should be in touch with me shortly after.
Now I gotta make the donuts, so I leave you with hopes that you have a pleasant day, and that you share my SMILES.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Je suis content de voir que je ne suis pas le seul à chiquer la guenille contre nos trop volumineux bancs de neige et nos mauvaises conditions routières qui retardent nos déplacements. C'est le printemps dans une semaine...hourra....hourra, mais il te faudra aller au bureau tous les jours. N'oublie pas ta visite chez le médecin. Its a must. xxx me
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