Sunday, July 17, 2016


Great Scott! Three whole months to the day (night) since I have posted anything on my personal blog or in Blogit! I’m missing writing, and lately more and more, but I’m just so darned tired by the time I get home from the office...then I have the 3 doggies... and the King Bandit kitty...each very determined to show me what they think about spending the whole day alone and could we have some attention, please?

The ‘high season’ for moving in Quebec hasn’t helped matters; it meant working at least one of the two weekend days for the past three months. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy my job. I also like my colleagues. I don’t even mind the commute, seeing that most of it is through winding country roads and quite pleasant even if long. I’m terribly spoiled too, because my daughter comes into my house every couple of days and does housecleaning (3 dogs and a cat means washing the floors often) and she lets the beasts out to run around in their fenced yard while she does that, so it’s double whammy. Plus I am catching up on all those bills that accumulated during my ‘off’ years. Just the peace of mind is worth it.

I didn’t come in to complain. Compared to what others around the world are enduring, I have absolutely NOTHING to complain about. I’m sitting here safe in my bush, loving the green of the trees, the yellows of the brown-eyed Susan’s and dandelions; the white of lily of the valley; pure, cold water flowing from my well; sharing space with gentle creatures who think I’m a goddess (I especially like that part!); with friends and family calling each day to see if all is well.... So many would give up years to have what I have, and I wish that every person on this planet could have it! I’m not gloating; I’m just extremely grateful.

And now it is past midnight up here in my mountain, so I’ll practice a little wisdom and hit the sack or all those numbers I deal with will be just a jumble tomorrow. Wanted to say hi to y’all and to send you a HUGE SMILE, because no matter what is happening out there, I believe there is still hope, there is still love, and a SMILE is like a hug your face gives to someone else’s eyes.

From my face for your eyes!!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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