Sunday, January 10, 2016


It can only be quiet around my house for so long, although just 3 days is maybe pushing it a bit....

The parties were over and I was back to work, and Mommy and Bandit and I were resting up in the evenings. Then the call came in. A friend of mine contacted me with an SOS – a five month old puppy was going to be put down. His ‘owners’ had skipped out on their rent and left behind the pup in the empty apartment, knowing, I imagine...I hope, that the landlord would find him when he came to collect. The landlord wasn’t into dogs, and when my friend contacted me she told me his days were numbered. She messaged me a picture – a cute pit bull pup who looked so much like Smooch it hit me right there! To be honest, even if the doggy was the ugliest thing on earth, I’d have picked him up anyway.

I called the vet. Yes, they could see him on the way back to my house. I would have kept my pets separate from him if there was a problem, but there was none. One of the technicians fell in love with him, and seemed very interested when I said I would have him adopted. She would ask her partner and get back to me in a few days. It has been five days now, so I expect to get word from her the beginning of this week. If not, the agency where I got Mommy is excellent, and I have no qualms about it taking charge and finding him a good home. In the meantime, he is playing with Mommy, learning to get along with the cat, and was so very gentle with Miko when she and her daddy stopped in for the afternoon.

I named him Sam – because he looks like a Sam. He listens well, has never dirtied the pen where he sleeps at night and stays long hours while I go to work, but is NOT housebroken otherwise. He doesn’t squat or lift his leg...just stands and lets it go. Apparently the apartment needed extensive cleaning. However, he is intelligent, and today had an accident only 4 times. Not bad for a young pup that lived with people who did not think getting him out for potty was a training priority. He also ‘dogs’ my footsteps – I can’t walk anywhere without nearly tripping over his joyfully wriggling body!

So now we are four, and the mop has once again become a part of my arm, much as it was when I was fostering Mommy’s puppies. The truth? It has healed my heart some, needed ever since those puppies were adopted. So I’m not sure who is helping who more here. I do know that, just like Mommy’s offspring, he will make someone a wonderful friend one day, because I will do everything in my power to start him off on the right foot.

I watch him play as all babies do, with that gleeful exuberance where nothing else matters, and I SMILE. Sending it out to you, and if it has that puppy smell when it arrives on your doorstep, so much the better!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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