Friday, April 15, 2016


I sure am missing you guys and ladies! I come in and read, but so often I am just too darned tired to comment. My job is tougher than I want to admit – things are processed slower in this brain of mine and I have to pedal to keep up. Then there is the doggies (3 now) and the kitty each vying for attention when I get home, and those clients I still kept on because I’m too dumb to say no, and last but not least, my every growing family. One thing for sure, there’s never a dull moment, and I find myself looking for just that sometimes. Who would have thought? Ha-ha!

I haven’t been writing, and I miss that too. Maybe now with the warmer temperatures it will be easier. I love the winter, as we all know, but it does require much more work; shoveling, carrying wood, cleaning the fireplaces, washing floors from many snowy paw prints, slower commutes to and from the office, longer hours to pay off the enormous electricity bills...and the list goes on. Fortunately my daughter lives near and comes by a couple of days a week to give me a hand. She also lets the dogs out for a run, so it eases the pressure to get home from the office – that place where something always seems to happen to keep me there past quitting time.

Still, when I lie in bed at night with Mommy stretched out along my back, the warm weight of Elizabeth’s head on my feet, Sam with his big, cuddly head against my shoulder, and Bandit curled around the back of my neck, purring me to sleep, I give thanks for being so blessed. I am surrounded by a wonderful family (with and without fur), great understanding friends, have enough money to pay my bills, and trees...lots and lots of trees. Life is good, and I greet Morpheus with a SMILE.

Sharing it with you, folks. It’s a whopper – it had plenty time to grow since I last sent it floating off to y’all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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