Sunday, January 3, 2016


I so wish that everyone out there could have shared this holiday season with me; shared preparations, the smells of baking and the balsam spruces decorated with pretty colored lights; shared the playing and giggles of the children, the good-natured ragging of the adults, the food, the warmth, the cuddling of my doggy and kitty when it was time to rest up and start the busyness over again the next day. Oh – and the clean-up. Must not forget to include that, LOL!

There was plenty unpleasant going on in the outside world maybe, but for these few days my house was an oasis of love and smiles and fun. To top it off, Suzie came home yesterday. She was not expected this year, so it’s icing on the cake! She and I will be celebrating her birthday (today) and Bird’s birthday (Wednesday) together – another yearly tradition that I was resigned to missing for 2016.

It's back to work tomorrow, but that’s okay. I’m tired, but my SMILE could give the Cheshire cat a run for his money! Sharing it with y’all and hoping you’ll pass it on!

Have a great 2016!!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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