Saturday, March 22, 2014


One of my responsibilities when working as a Recreation Director was to organize and assist meetings and events. I enjoyed it at the time, but after 10 years it became too much of a good thing, so I was less than enthusiastic when I was told that yes, I was obliged to attend a ‘kick-off’ reunion being held by the Company where I am presently employed. There just seemed to be too much real work at the office to waste time sitting around in a hotel conference room all day, meal provided or not.

As happens to all of us at one time or another, I was pleasantly surprised. The motivational speaker in the morning was quite good; an old message delivered originally and with much humor. During lunch I met many of those I contact at least once a week, usually only by phone or email, and it is nice to be able to put a face with each voice. The afternoon taught me the history and goals of the enterprise – it would no longer be just a ‘job’ I need to pay the bills, but a team of which I now feel I am a member. A very informative and interesting few hours well spent.

I stopped on the way home to stock up on more liver for my ailing doggie. It was cooked and medication taken, then we headed outside for a short walk. I don’t want Smooch’s bones getting too weak from lack of exercise, and I can’t forget my Grump, who is healthy and has the ordinary needs of any energetic hound.

I chatted to a couple of friends for a bit, and was in bed by 9 PM. Morpheus was kind, and let me sleep until Smooch came into my room at 4 this morning. The cortisone increases his thirst; he drinks more and what goes in must come out, right?

The hour was fine; I have loads of work to do here today for those clients I kept on, and it will give me an early start. Well, I did cheat some ...I sneaked into Blogit and kinda got stuck there for awhile. That’s okay; it was a visit long overdue.

We’re expecting another 15 cm of snow today...the 3rd day of spring, is it? Fortunately I am one of the rare few who are not yet heartily sick of winter, so I’m still SMILING!

Sharing it with you – sure it will be returned!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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