Sunday, March 30, 2014


My Dunany Demons are making a grand exit – the wind was howling and snow was falling and blowing when I got up this morning at 5, and still at it when I left around noon to go to the village. Smooch’s special dog food was running low. The cortisone he is taking can cause stomach ulcers if we’re not careful, and I wanted to be sure that there was enough for Helen to feed him tomorrow night, just in case I get home late from the office.

Clad in a warm sweater, topped by a padded vest and a down winter coat, with my snowmobile boots completing an outfit to survive any blizzard, I arrived in the village to find people (lots of them!) strolling around in spring jackets and running shoes. Yes – quite balmy temperatures only 30 minutes from the bush storm! I was slightly overdressed. The Demons must have been laughing in glee. They do love to put one over on me.

I made my rounds anyway, deciding to pick up some veggies for a Béchamel Vegetable Medley – I’d been working all weekend at home, and a couple of hours cooking were exactly what I needed to relax. Back at the house, I threw myself into the chopping and stirring (and tasting) with enthusiasm, the result being a huge pot of chicken/tomato noodle soup, the Medley, and an Apple crisp. It works every time! Not only is the activity a stress buster for me, whoever else is in the house gets to reap the benefits by filling their faces!

It’s an early morning for me tomorrow, and I think I can hear Morpheus moving around in my bedroom already, so it’s off the bath and snooze I go. Wishing you all sweet dreams with plenty of SMILES!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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