Saturday, February 26, 2011


I have a window beside my Jacuzzi, and often I’ll open it when I’m lazing in the warm water jets; it gives me the outdoor hot-tub experience without having to walk through the snow in bare feet. Last night, however, I completely forgot to close it when the bath was done. Later, snuggled comfortably under my warm blankets, I slept straight through, not waking up even once to put wood on the fire.

This morning saw me dancing hip-hop, trying to pull on my slippers and fluffy housecoat simultaneously, all the while grumbling at Grump-puppy because he hadn’t reminded me to close the darned window. He was lying flat out on the couch, but raised his head to throw a glance in my direction before totally ignoring his scatter-brained mistress, even when I threatened unreasonably that the extra cost of the next heating bill could be coming out of HIS food budget!

The fire is roaring again, my coffee is hot, and things are slowly warming up in here. My Cuban friends are coming for supper tonight, so when I can stop shivering enough to write, I’ll complete my grocery list and drive into town for my errands. There’s some housework to be done (when is there not??), but the central vacuum canister is just outside my grandson’s door downstairs, so I’ll wait until he’s awake before giving the floors a lick and a promise. Not even healthy, young lads, no matter how late they get to bed, can sleep through that kind of noise.

Chicken Parmesan and creamy fettuccini are on the menu for tonight. There are also frijoles (black bean soup), the usual dish when these friends come to visit, and my daughter’s delicious cauliflower/broccoli sunflower salad recipe; all ingredients that tend to cause certain ‘gases’ in the digestive system. That’s okay – I’ll be sending them home before ‘cause and effect’ starts to happen, LOL!

With that said, it’s time for me to get moving. Tonight I’ll be surrounded by good friends, good food, and lively Spanish music, so you can be sure I’ll be SMILING. I’m sending one out to you all – hope it adds to your weekend!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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