Dawna had a problem setting her camera's timer. By the time it was done, we were finding it hilarious. The wine helped. “Sh*t! We’re going to miss our flight!”
And that’s how my mini-vacation began. Both Dawna and I had arrived 2 ½ hours early at the airport, had checked in, then I convinced her to spend our wait in the bar. I’m not a brave flyer; I prefer my feet to be on solid ground, and was depending on a shot of ‘spirits’ to numb my nerves. When we did cross customs, we thought we had time to spare, and that we were beside our boarding gate, number 49. As luck would have it, there was a Starbucks concession right there! Lattés in hand, we meandered past 48, towards 49…and hit a dead end. We were walking the wrong direction! A glance at our watch told us it was 4:30 PM, the departure hour…then we were running!! The West Jet rep made some wise crack about our ‘Starbuck stop’ as he shooed us up the ramp and onto the plane. Gasping for breath, slightly embarrassed, but still laughing, we scrambled into our seats. I hardly even noticed when we were up and away.
There was a short stop in Toronto. We got off to stretch our legs, and the stewardess warned us that we were to be the FIRST ones back on the plane. What was that comment about, you think? LOL!
It was on to Saskatoon and Karen…and a temperature of -23 degrees…. and falling snow! Winter had arrived before us, and yours truly was wearing running shoes.
It didn’t matter. We spent 4 wonderful days catching up on each others’ lives, laughing together, cooking our specialities, shovelling snow; all very relaxed and just what I needed. We did take a short jaunt into the city centre, and hit a bookstore (of course!), but it was mostly for a ‘wine-run’. Karen had stocked up, but those darned bottles had ghastly holes in them!
My friends endured my hollering as we watched my HABS beat Toronto on Saturday night, and we all cheered when Saskatchewan took the semi finals from Calgary on Sunday afternoon’s football game. Another girl who lives in that area drove 4 hours to drop in and visit. She worked with me during my stint with Montreal’s homeless youth, and we hadn’t seen each other for at least 10 years. We enjoyed an afternoon of reminiscing and updating; she met my friends, and we were introduced to her husband. Another totally pleasant day.
It was quite ironic that my new swimsuit, which had been gathering dust for at least two warm summers in my closet, was first worn outside in freezing temperatures! Karen has a hot tub behind her house. I had never been in one, but both she and Dawna are avid users, and one night we ventured out for my initiation. It was new experience, immersed in bubbling, steaming water, wine glasses frosting in the frigid air, surrounded by the snow we had just traipsed through with bare feet. Picture an overgrown Jacuzzi in a vast white room, with the lights and the furnace heat turned off. Glorious!
Although there’s no place like home, our departure was difficult. The time had just flew by, and as we hugged farewell, it was not without a few tears. However, I think we’ve convinced our Saskabush girl to come spend a few days with us in Quebec just after New Year’s day. Seeing that the snow has followed us back, she should be right in her element!
The flight back was uneventful. I will say that West Jet crew are a nice group; smiling, joking, and very solicitous of their clients’ welfare. I didn’t feel nervous at all during the journey, and that’s something!
I called Karen the evening after our return. We didn’t do the usual 4 hour chat, but we could have. It certainly wasn’t because we had run out of things to say, even after talking a blue streak during our visit. After hanging up the phone, I reflected on how important it has become to keep in close touch with friends. Maybe it’s because our time is less taken with raising families and developing careers, or maybe it’s just that we get wiser with age. Whichever, I feel the need now for regular contact, and realise more and more how precious our friendships can be.
I bet Karen is reading this now and thinking ‘Aw, enough with the sentimental crap!”, and that thought is making me SMILE. Actually, I’m giggling!
Have a good day, folks. I’m hoping there will be many occasions on this holiday (for USA) weekend to make you giggle too!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Le bonheur transpire dans ce résumé de ta visite chez tes amies de l'ouest. Préviens moi si Karen vient au début de janvier, je vais m'éloigner de la ville de peur que toi et ta gang fassiez trop de bruit.(LOL). Je blague. C'est bon que tu conserves une bonne amitié avec ta gagne de jeunesse. Kilk....xxx
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