My Jo, with his lady, Méi
From what I’ve been reading in other blogs, I wasn’t the only one to have a less than satisfactory day. It wasn’t the weather; here in the bush the sun was bright in the clear, blue sky, ideal for walking outside, if one was so inclined. The thought was there; the body couldn’t follow through.
Although very present for the long 9 hour snooze on Saturday, Morpheus was conspicuous by his total absence last night. Not a wink did I sleep. Nothing. Nada.
At 8 AM, frustrated, knowing that travelling to work would be out of the question, I resorted to Asana, those sleep-aids made with natural products. I lay across the bed, watching the clock. When the office opened at 8:30 I’d call… warning that I’d be showing late. I must have finally dropped off because the telephone woke me around 9:30. I mumbled something at my daughter, crawled back under the blankets, and 10 minutes later the darned thing shrilled again. This time it was a co-worker, justifiably wondering why I wasn’t at the office. I repeated my mumble; she hung up, apologetic, but the damage was done. Morpheus had fled, leaving me just dozy enough so that I couldn’t function properly, but not so dozy that I couldn’t fret about the whole situation. There are so many things to be done for the business – we are striving to keep it going, playing continual catch-up after the disastrous events initiated by my ex-associate, and missing a day’s work is NOT good. Just those thoughts alone can keep one awake…and then there’s my son.
I was shocked when I saw him yesterday. I knew the doctors had put him on a strict diet because of his health problem, but his weight loss seems phenomenal! My son is a strapping young man, standing around 6 foot 2 inches, ordinarily wearing 200 lbs. His clothes are hanging on him now, and in such a short time! The doctor he saw last Monday has referred him to another, who he will see on Wednesday, but they are insisting that a colonoscopy cannot be done until the swelling goes down, something that should have happened at least three weeks ago. Although he isn’t one to complain, I could tell his morale was low. He works long hours for his business, which is not yet lucrative enough to sit back and relax. He also has a young wife who is up every 4 hours to breast-feed the baby, plus two very active boys under 6 years of age to contend with at home. It means spending energy that he just doesn’t have right now. The offer for help was pooh-poohed; he’d manage; I was not to worry. Yeh, right!
When one doesn’t sleep, the brain works overtime. Because the brain works overtime, one doesn’t sleep. No wonder Morpheus stayed out of sight!
I’m the first one to admit that everything happens for a reason, but that doesn’t mean that I have to LIKE the reason.
I can’t do anything about it at the moment, so will be patient until he comes back with the doctor’s diagnosis this Wednesday. In the meantime, we need to be at the city hospital for my brother’s lung scan results early tomorrow AM, which means that I should be already in bed. If Morpheus doesn’t show up tonight, he’s fired! I’ll go out and round up sheep from somewhere….build a fence for them to jump over…invest in a huge pooper-scooper…and there – that thought made me SMILE! Thankfully, it doesn’t take much. I’m sending it out to you all, especially to those who shared my mood this Monday.
Yep – tomorrow is another day.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
1 comment:
Je comprends ta préoccupation pour ton gars et ton frère , c'est suffisant pour te tenir réveillé. Ta petite bru est toujours belle comme un cœur. Je ne suis pas certain que je comprenne cette philosophie d'une raison pour tout ce qui arrive. Un sujet qui pourrait animer une longue conversation. Certaines choses sont pour moi au delà de la compréhension de l'esprit humain,..... je pense. Je suis occupé tous les jours cette semaine à faire du taxi. Santa maria madre di deo....grgrgr...Kil. Smile... xxx
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