(This photo is courtesy of Photobucket. I still haven't found the adaptor for my own camera to show you the real Louka, but this doggie could be her twin)
I think my two dogs have made a pact with the neighbour’s two dogs. It used to be that Bud and Grump-puppy would only bark if someone was coming up the driveway and, believe me, they have lots of time to warn me before the intruder reaches the house. Ditto for the hounds across the road. Now, however, if anyone even turns into one yard or the other, the whole four of them raise voice. It has been happening since the beautiful Louka moved in. Not only does she run the show and initiate the squabbles, she also wanders around at night, or sits howling, and gets everybody going when the humans (her servants) are trying to sleep. She’s not into obeying orders; neither those of her master, nor those of the lady who gives her treats (me). A typical husky mix, she believes in doing pretty well what she wants whenever she wants. Ah, Caesar – where are you when we need you??
Speaking of the famous dog-whisperer, he held an event last week at the Bell Center in Montreal, the home of my Canadiens. I missed it (there was a hockey game going on elsewhere) but have heard attendees rave that it was spectacular. The man is not only an expert on canines; it seems he can also put on quite a show. I’m having regrets now. I really should have talked Louka’s master into dragging that gorgeous beast into Caesar’s presence, and maybe everyone around here would have an easier time of it. Don’t get me wrong. I admire a dog with character – just not when its character is stronger than mine! If Louka was human, I strongly suspect that she’d be in the Paris Hilton group, or maybe competition for Lindsay Lohan. Still, one can’t help but love her. She is such a cuddly doggie. A gentle wave of her bushy tail with the sincere, apologetic look from her expressive eyes and we're all convinced to overlook her shenanigans.
My first weekend in November was relatively quiet, especially compared to those of October, where my house was filled with family and friends. I mostly cleaned, just taking time out to meet my ex-associate for an hour, once more to discuss our situation. I regretted the move afterwards, even if it was a necessary evil. The enormous pressure he is under is wearing on him, and his trumped-up excuses cut deep into any respect I still feel for him. It ended with my realizing that he is scrambling, doing and saying anything and everything to avoid paying what he owes. After I walked away, I sat in my truck for at least 20 minutes, analysing what, if anything, was left of our relationship. I discovered that I felt only pity for what has become an extremely sorry excuse for a friend.
Mother Nature afforded us a sunny, pleasant temperature on the day we turned back our clocks. The Weather Network assures me that the whole week to follow will be similar. Sunshine AND an extra hour of sleep?? Now, how can that not make me SMILE?
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
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