I’m back, and I didn’t bring the snow with me, but I do believe it is following close behind. That’s okay. It’s one of the reasons we enjoy this country of ours – the four seasons. Skiers, rejoice!
I have some pictures to put up, and will tell you all about our trip as soon as I can. It was off the airplane and straight to the office before even coming home, and the only time I’ve stopped running since then is when I’ve dropped into bed. Well, except for watching part of the hockey game last night (we won!!), and I see there are two scheduled for the weekend, plus the Grey Cup football finals, where Montreal will be battling Saskatchewan. Maybe we should fly back out there for the game. I’m sure Karen wouldn’t mind our invading her house again….I think we left one or two bottles of wine untapped…LOL!
Needless to say, upon my return the doggies greeted me with their usual enthusiasm. They both spent the evening following me from one room to the other, sticking to me like glue The next morning I woke to find Bud beside the bed, happily curled up on my furry housecoat; he had dragged it out of the suitcase which I had left open on the floor. And that reminds me that I haven’t even unpacked the rest of it yet. Ah well, it’s not going anywhere.
Although I’m supposed to work from home on Thursdays, today I will be going into the office. Tomorrow is my brother’s appointment for his scan at the city hospital, so I’ve changed the timetable to avoid going back and forth twice in the same day. He’s to have his lung scan at 5 PM; smack in the middle of rush hour, and I expect that’s another hockey game where I’ll be listening to the first period on the car radio! I’ll have to speak to the doctor about his timing!
That’s it for now – off to the jungle I go. It’s a beautiful sunny day here. The air is crisp, and life is good, and this lady is SMILING! Have a nice one, y’all!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Une belle photo de toi et de tes chums préférés. Content que tu as passé une belle vacance avec les coyboys....Est-ce qu'il y en a encore des chevaux par là(LOL) Don't get mad. Je te vois rougir. Bye
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