Some weekend! Saturday was used to do laundry and housework, a little extra in that department because I am also preparing for my trip out west, which includes getting my house ready for my dog sitters. It won’t be my brother this time. Fran isn’t around, and I don’t want him stuck out here in the bush alone, without a vehicle, and not feeling the best anyway. Line, one of my co-workers, and her significant other will be doing the honours. Line has slept over here often; she’s a partner for the senior homes (which are still on the drawing board) and both dogs know her well. She lives in a compact condo downtown in old Montreal, and she assures me that it will be a treat for her to spend the 5 days here; fireplace, Jacuzzi, wide open spaces, room to run around…all good for a change.
Speaking of change, my daughter has put her house up for sale (after being there for under a year) and is planning to buy another closer to her youngest boy’s school. He is our sports dude, and Shan is constantly on the road either for school, for hockey, for soccer…this way she will be more central to all the activity and it will cut down hugely on the constant travel. But – her oldest, who was renting her basement, wants to stay in this area. He is often away working, but his home base will now be the apartment in his M’mère’s house (that’s me!). I was delighted when he asked, of course said yes, and he came by during the day to take a good look at it, and to clean a space out in the garage for his car.
Back to the present. We lost another person to suicide yesterday. The poor fellow had no money problems. He’s lately retired from a lifelong job, a good one, and was caring for his elderly mother. It seems he was wishing he had kept working – felt his life no longer had purpose. How sad. The man was only 55 years old.
A few days ago, one of my neighbours borrowed my backhoe to help set up his tempo (plastic garage) and returned the favour by dropping off a pile of cedar lengths. It’s the best wood for kindling, so I was quite happy with the exchange. It needed to be chopped into small pieces, and I contacted my deceased friend’s young lad who often helps me when strength is required. He has been out there swinging the axe for the past four hours. My brother (his ‘adopted’ dad) came over for the day too, to supervise, he called it, but I strongly suspect it is mostly because he needed the company.
The chopping had just begun when my friend, Helen, showed up, proud as punch, to take me for a drive in her brand new 2011 Jetta. She will be turning 70 in January, and this is the first new automobile she has ever owned. That lady has worked hard all her life, has helped so many people for so long, and can you believe it? She was feeling guilty about spending HER money on something for HERSELF! It was a nice ride, and I am thrilled for her!
My youngest son (the daddy of my 3 rug rats) has been in bad pain for a couple of weeks now. The doctors suspect diverticulitis, rare enough for someone as young as J., but can’t be sure until the swelling goes down and further testing can be done. He spent most of today at the hospital again, and his energy level is very low. Mom is worried, and not too crazy about flying halfway across the country when one of her children is sick, although I doubt he’d appreciate having me hover around as if he was a little tyke, especially for tests of that particular nature, LOL!
My grandson has just arrived to put his car in the garage. He’s leaving for the Gaspésie tomorrow morning, where he will spend 10 days working before coming back for the 5 days off. I’m going to try to feed him some supper, so wish you all a good evening, and you know, as would any grandmother who gets to spoil her grandson, that I am SMILING! Sharing it with you!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
1 comment:
J'en ai eu pour une grosse heure de lecture intéressante ce matin. Je devrais partir plus souvent parce que c'est dans ce temps là que tu écris le plus. La maladie de Jo a attiré mon attention, j'espère qu'il va s'en tiré le plus vite possible. C'est le fun de lire que ton petit fils va habiter chez toi. Je vois que ta fille s'occupe beaucoup de sa gang, elle te ressemble dans ce sens là....mère poule c'est ben correct çà. J'espère que tu vas prendre le temps d'écrire une couple de blogs avant de partir. OK là???
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