It was a time consuming drive into the city hospital, but we were aware of the traffic problems and had prepared in advance. I was at my brother’s home at 6 AM, and we arrived in the doctor’s office at 9 AM, 15 minutes ahead of his appointment. The results of the scan prompted the doc to schedule a biopsy, and another MRI, both within the next 3 weeks. It is disheartening yet, from the way my bro has been feeling lately, we were kind of expecting something along those lines.
It was past noon when we left the hospital, and I had papers to drop off at the office. Besides, it would maybe give him something else to think about if he could manage to climb the stairs and meet the employees. He did, and was pleased to associate the faces to the names (I talk about them often), and found them all charming. On the way home he dozed off and on in the car. When I finally made it back to the house around 3 PM, I was exhausted too. We all know one’s mental attitude can play havoc with one’s physical abilities. Whether appropriate or not, sleep was necessary, if only to shut the mind down for awhile.
After an hour snooze, I became mobile again, much to the doggies’ delight. They needed attention, and did everything but stand on their heads to get it. Pat me! Love me! Talk to me! Play with me! Their tails tattooed out the message, and anything in reach went flying until I surrendered to their wishes. It was raining outside, so we raced up and down the hallway a few times, hollering and barking, toenails clickity-clacking on the wood floors (theirs, not mine! LOL!) Then Grump & I did the stairs to the garage. Four times I climbed, bearing an armload of wood, the young Grump-puppy, ears back and tongue hanging, racing ahead of me, and Bud standing at the top, wiggling encouragement. He won’t go up and down stairs just for fun anymore; it’s too hard on his ailing body…and Bud is a smart doggie! He has learned to participate without wasting his breath.
Energy spent, the three of us had our meal, then sat quietly by the fire, listening to Anya, her lilting voice singing softly in the background. Relaxing together.
I was surrounded by unconditional love, and felt peace seep in to replace the heaviness that has held my heart captive for the past two days. I remembered my brother telling me today that he watches comedy tapes one after the other, because laughter IS the best medicine. I remembered that it did no good to brood or mope over what MIGHT happen. I remembered that my family finds its strength in caring, which means that together we can handle whatever is thrown at us. I remembered that most in our lives is good.
Then I remembered that I am meeting my dear friend, Kilroy, for a late lunch tomorrow, and that completed my SMILE!
Love from the Bush in Quebec