Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Well, there you go, folks! If you want something, just stand beside me and wish aloud – you may get it in spades – umm – I mean shovels, because that’s what it will take to clean my gallery of this huge snowfall! Maybe I wished too often and too sincerely? I suspect that all except the avid skiers and snowmobilers are thinking of running me out of the area. Don’t let anyone know that I say this, especially little Miko’s daddy who is a courier for Fed Ex and obliged to drive in it all day, but I AM LOVING it!!! That I was allowed to work from home has no bearing on my joy whatsoever.....

It was a productive time; even Bandit and Mommy did not bother me to open the doors after their first venture out this morning. Bandit is the lucky one – he has an indoor toilet – but I insisted that Mommy brave the elements. She gave me ‘the look’, but of course had no choice but to obey. When I let Mommy back in, Bandit was sitting, calmly paw-washing his face. He pretended to ignore her entrance, but it didn’t fool either Mommy or me. That cat was a picture of pure gloating! Mommy’s sidelong glance implied volumes, but I was standing right there, so she wisely made her way to her cushion. Knowing a pit’s penchant for revenge, I expect Bandit will be doing some fast running in the near future!

In one of his comments, CCT asked me about the puppies. I haven’t written about them – I just couldn’t. As I’m sure I mentioned, I was a huge foster-fail. I fell in love with each and every one of those little critters, crying my eyes out when it was time to give them up. Those who were adopting came close to walking away; they feared they were breaking my heart.

I still miss them terribly, but I’m looking forward to telling you all about them now, although I won’t do it in this post. The Habs game is going to begin shortly, and they have been on a losing streak. They need all the encouragement they can get, so I’ve got my jersey on, my face painted, and am ready to couch-coach, or to referee, and surely give them as much energy as I’ve got! Maybe I can pull a trick for them like I did for snow.....

Leaving you with a huge, warm SMILE – it will ride a snowflake near wherever you be!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec


polichon said...

Have you posted a picture of your new doggie.

polichon said...

Koolcat...I bet the end will be that you will adopt this puppy because its you....you love them