Saturday, September 15, 2012


Don't be fooled - this was a 5 minute time-out!

Wow! It’s hard to believe that August 27th was my last post. It seems I turn around twice and the day has gone by, then another...then another. Somebody is sneaking in here and stealing my time....or maybe the ‘twice’ is only an illusion, when I’m actually spinning like a top.

All is well on the home front. My two oldest rug rats have started school, and both of them like it, so that’s a bonus. Even the youngest is doing better at daycare, probably because his older brother is no longer there to torment the little dude. Brothers do tend to do that, don’t they?

Bali, his first day of school. So excited that he put his shoes on the wrong feet!

With three energetic young lads and two lively pit-bulls in permanent residence, this house rocks!! It starts around 5:30 in the morning and lasts until at least 9 PM; at which hour Mémere picks her tongue up from where it’s dragging on the floor, rams it back into her mouth, and searches for her wits. I’m loving every minute of it!!

Although I have been lax in my own posting, I have been reading others, so have sort of been keeping up on the doings of you all. I was worried that Blogit wasn’t paying because I hadn’t been commenting but I checked it out, and it’s reading the page that attributes my pittance to the writer. Leaving comments is better, of course, but it made me feel less guilty knowing that the pennies were still being distributed.

It’s 2:30 AM now, so I’ll pack it in and go to bed. The rug rats are with Mommy on the week-end, perfect to catch up on some sleep before the bigger cleaning fury tomorrow morning. I also need to find some flowers and plant them outside, for however short their duration will be. The boys and I have been searching for fairies under the leaves and in the bushes, but there are none to be found. Nalou, the 7 year old, remarked that maybe the lack of pretty flowers is the reason; fairies love beautiful colors, and the morning dew from a bright petal is much sweeter than that sipped from a simple green leaf. He suggested (strongly) that I could take care of this detail during his two day absence. I reminded him (just as strongly) that his behaviour had to be exemplary all day or the fairies would stay hidden anyway. He assured me that it would be, but I can’t help but wonder if those assurances stemmed from his thinking that whatever he did while with his Mommy would have no bearing with the fairies here....

So there you are. I’m still alive and kicking and enjoying my house full of children and doggies. This place has become a 24-hour SMILE factory!! Smooch chewed all my ribbons, so I’ve tied a few with string and am sending the brightest out to y’all now! They may be slightly damp from sticky kisses and puppy slobber...but they’re as warm as a SMILE can be!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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