Saturday, June 2, 2012


My 3 rug rats - love those faces!!!

3 AM – and wide awake. My sleeping habits are becoming more and more erratic. One improvement though, is that when I DO sleep, it is deep. It very rarely lasts more than 4 hours at a time, but at least I feel rested when I get up. The doggies love it – fits their agenda fine.

Tomorrow we are celebrating 2 of my 3 rug rats’ birthdays. The youngest will be two years old in a couple of days, and the second youngest is turning five. He went to visit his kindergarten last week, and told me all about it. He can’t wait to start – a good sign!

I’ve been staying at odd hours with the boys twice to three times per week while mom and dad are working shifts. We’ve become much closer, but there is sure to be ups and downs by seeing each other so often. M’mère used to just show up now and then , bringing goodies and giving attention and cuddles during her short visits; excelling in the ‘spoiling’ for which grandparents are renown. All of a sudden she has become a ‘parent’, and that involves a change of attitude for all.

There is a multitude of expressions that will cross a child’s face when scolding comes from an unexpected quarter! Often I have to turn my face away so that they don’t catch me grinning at the widened eyes, and the little mouths forming a perfect “O”. I thought they were on to me, but the oldest, Nalou, said something the other day that changed my thinking.

The tornado warning had forced me to reschedule my trip to visit clients in the city. On the day that I did go, I was to be with the boys for 5 PM. Very aware of possible traffic delays, I asked my daughter to fill in for me until I got back; a wise decision, because I didn’t get home until 7:30. When their dad told the boys that M’Mère was going to be late, and that it was ‘Auntie Shan’ who would stay with them in the meantime, the oldest, Nalou, answered “Yippee! We get to do exactly what we want!”

Daddy laughed, Auntie Shan snorted, but admitted it was true, and even if I thought it was hilarious, I was also happy that they are taking me seriously. It will be much easier on my patience during the summer months, when school is out, daycare closed, and the hours spent together will be longer. Although I love the rug rats dearly, and now would miss them terribly if I didn’t stay with them so often, they can wear one down, especially after a day of work.

I was questioning my lack of patience the other day after giving Nalou a particular strong scolding; he was being very obstinate about doing something I knew he wasn’t allowed to do. I could hear my voice get louder and, finally, in exasperation, I did the ultimate, and threatened him with a spanking. We both went silent. Feeling totally awful, I crouched down to him and said, “Do you see what you are doing? You know you are not allowed, and you are insisting even if you know M’mère won’t let you do it, no matter how much you insist. And now M’mère has to scold you, and she doesn’t like having to do that!”

This very sweet young man looked down at the floor, then back up at me, and with a glimmer of a smile answered, “But I know even if you do scold me you still love me anyway.” Oh yes, that merited a huge hug!!

The party tomorrow (umm...later) starts at 10 AM. Daddy was planning on having a BBQ for all, and the weather is not cooperating. It’s pouring outside now, and won’t let up until Monday. Who cares? The whole family and many friends will be there, the house will be filled with excited, running rug rats, and we’ll all be SMILING!!

Sending one your way – hope it helps your day!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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