Sunday, March 18, 2012



Smooch is having a bad weekend!

His being constantly underfoot finally ended as only it could; with me falling over him. I went one better – I fell ON him. Grump was somehow muddled in with us, my armload of folded towels was scattered all over the floor, and it frightened the wits out of me when Smooch just lay there...not moving...eyes glazing over. I panicked – thinking my weight had broken his back.

Still on my hands and knees, I leaned over him, not daring to move him, calling his name, my heart in my throat. Fortunately, before I totally lost it, he lifted his head and laboured to stand up. Maybe it was just his pain that had made him react that way.

He was limping badly, but bounced back as puppies do, especially pits – they are a hardy breed. By the end of the night he was playing with Grump, favouring his leg only slightly, and this lady’s heartbeat slowed down to normal.

This morning, Smooch was out on the gallery with Grump, romping in the sunshine. I saw Louka arrive; she visits on a regular basis. Then Sally, the neighbour’s Rottweiler, showed up too. The puppy doesn’t go down the stairs yet, but both the bigger dogs came up. They have met before, and Louka and Smooch play together often. This time though, I heard Smooch yelp in pain. I roared ‘Hey!!’ and went rushing to the door. Sally, tail lowered in guilt, took off immediately. There was a bloody slash under Smooch’s left eye; he’s going to need a couple of stitches.

Smooch, wanting to go play with Grump and Louka

I reluctantly pulled out my wooden gates and blocked both entrances to the gallery stairs. I was hoping to avoid the necessity – it’s a pain each time having to go out and open them so Grump can get down, but it will stay that way until the dogs get used to each other. Hopefully Smooch will have no further unhappy incidents this beautiful, sunny day!

Windows are open, music is playing, and I’ve pulled out the mop and the rags. The spring cleaning bug showed up this morning, so the pile of tax forms have been stacked on one side, and I’ll get to rubbing and scrubbing before that bug disappears. It doesn’t tend to stick around here long.

Sending you all a huge, green St-Patrick’s Day SMILE!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found a way to open your blogs. There's a place that reads that reads "Newer blogs". I pressed on that and they all came out. I'll have some reading to do. No difference between animal and human life. The bigger ones always take advantage of the smaller ones.Where the expression "chien de poche" comes from.