Thursday, January 26, 2012


My grandson is a linesman; he works on those huge towers that are strung out across our country to supply electricity. He’s leaving for Alberta, so will be away for more than a month at a time, coming home for a couple of days now and then until the job in that area is done. It’s great experience for him, but this M’mère is going to miss him like crazy, and not only because of all the muscle tasks he does around here. After more than a year of lads coming in and out of the house, it will seem very quiet.

My daughter (his mom) organised a supper for him yesterday evening, wanting us all together before Fred’s departure. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant for 6:30 or 7:00 PM. I mumbled something about the Habs playing against Detroit so, typical of my family, the time was changed to 5:30 – I would be home in time for the first period! And I was!! And what a game! I won’t elaborate, because they were playing Sam444’s favourite, and she was kind enough to be happy for my win.

I’m very vocal when the Habs score a goal. There’s a rather loud ‘Whoop-whoop!!’ which comes out part yell, part scream, and this is usually accompanied by a little jig. Grump is used to it, of course, and often joins me for the dance. I had forgotten about my poor, little, un-initiated Smooch.

The puppy was playing around at my feet when the first goal happened. I went into action...and Smooch went into panicked flight!! His ears back and his tail between his legs, he scooted into his box and hid there, waiting for whatever terrible action that was sure to follow such a horrifying screech! The expression on his face broke me up ....I giggled until my stomach hurt! After comforting him for a few minutes and coaxing him back out, I continued to watch the game. Another goal! Another celebration! After 5 minutes or so, I realized that Smooch had disappeared once again. Yep, he was back in his box; sitting there quietly, head cocked to one side, listening intently, and probably wondering if it was safe to come out yet. It was hilarious!

Taking care of a puppy, as with any baby, is a lot of extra work, not something I need right now. Yet...when I balance that against the number of SMILES he brings to my face in a day, guess which way the scales tip? I don’t even have to confirm it, do I?

Sending you some of those SMILES, folks. Hope they make your day a little brighter!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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