Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I couldn’t believe it when I looked at the date on my last blog. October 27th!! My, my – that culprit, Time, is not only flying by – it has gained speed!!

And we are nearly there – our first goal! Within our 4 companies, there are close to 100 people with jobs now, working regularly between 25 and 40 hours per week. If this keeps up, we will have reached our goal before Christmas. Ain’t that just so cool? It’s worth every extra hour the owners have to put in to keep things going up and up….

In between the extra time in the city, and the running back and forth to our office in Gatineau, I was flat on my back for 5 days, 2 of which were the weekend, of course. H1N1? I hope so, cause that will mean I’m immune now, won’t it? I huddled up in my blankets, head-sick, stomach-sick, chest-sick, and heart-sick…hiding away from the world in my little alcove upstairs, only getting up to feed the doggies and rock in my mom’s old wooden rocker, whining to myself. It’s no secret that I’m a big Baby (yep, that’s a capital ‘B’) when I’m sick. Fortunately it doesn’t happen often.

There’s a lot to tell, but no time this morning to do so. I slept in, and have to get my car to the garage to get it winterized and to fix the little gift left by the hit-and-run driver. I’ll be back tonight. In the meantime, have a great day, everyone! Sending you all a big, warm, fuzzy smile. Please pass it on!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Gosh that's news...you flat on your back with the flue. I had my shots yesterday against the H1N1. Take care of yourself...Kilroy