The Smiley Rug-rats
I was what Bird would have called ‘a lost cause’ all day, and most of the night, of the New Year’s Eve. I wept a little, read a little, slept a little, and just ‘timed out’. I never did go for the brandy; I stayed in pyjamas and moved aimlessly from room to room, followed very closely by a confused Grump. I missed the first period of the HABS game, then couldn’t find my Blackberry to do the rest of our regular play by play with Sam444. It was just as well, I guess; I couldn’t seem to focus on the TV anyway. (And surprise, surprise...they lost again!!!)
I had called Suzie; warned her that I was in no shape to party. She understood, of course, and offered to come and stay with me, but I refused. It was alone time that was needed.
I ran out of wood right before midnight and went down to the garage for more. While there, I heard the chimes made by my Blackberry when a text message comes in. Talk about good timing! There is was, lying under my truck; I must have dropped it on Friday evening. If the message had not come in just then, I’d probably have crushed it under the wheels.
Sometimes it doesn’t take much to shake one up. “Wow – lucky!” I was thinking as I bent to pick up the phone. I stood there, wood in one arm, reading the ‘We’ll make it a better New Year – love you!!’ text from my daughter. At the very moment, another came in from my youngest son with a similar message...then another from my older son; he and Yoshiko would be arriving within the hour to share the New Year with me, and to sleep over. There was also a former message from Sam, looking for me when the game had started....and the phone was still chiming, and chiming again....
Love and caring, I mused. I am surrounded by it. I have ALWAYS been surrounded by it, even if it has been by different ways at different times...and from different beings.
In spite of carrying wood, my step was lighter as I went back upstairs. I changed into fresh pyjamas and turned on the coffee. My son showed up a short while later, and we sat, chatting, until 5:30 AM. We talked about Bird, how he had touched our lives. We laughed about Bud’s character, how we missed him too. We reminisced about my mom, my sister, and many others who are not longer here, but close to our hearts just the same. Then we talked about the grandchildren, and Grump, and friends we have made - all new bonds of caring, all precious parts of us now.
We finally went to bed. I knew that in a few hours I would be cuddling my rug-rats, when the family gathered for our opening supper of the New Year. Picturing their impish faces, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. For what I have had, for what is still here, and for whichever way it will come in my future.
I blew Bird a kiss, sent out a hug for Bud, and when I fell to sleep, I’m pretty sure I was still SMILING.
I’m sharing it with you...hope you catch it as it floats by!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
WE'll Koolcat, counting your blessings, the most important one is that you are well surrouded by warm hearted people who care and demonstraye their affection for you. Lucky girl. Du vrai baume pour tes blessures. You have to be tough to talk the night away until 5h30 in the morning and have people over for supper. Can't see how you do it. Youth, that's what it is.
En plus, quand je vois ces rug rats sourire et pleins de joie de vivre, c'est assez pour tout faire oublier les contraintes de la vie. N'est ce pas ? Lucky girl.
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