I was sitting at my computer when my grandson, Fred, showed up at my office door. I turned to look at him. The grin on his face lit up the room.
“Merry Christmas, M’mère!” he said. He pushed back one side of his winter coat, and the sweetest little face poked out.
Love at first sight!
Introducing you to SMOOCH, my four week old pit puppy, a gift from my grandson who knows his granny more than I thought!
Smooch was only 4 weeks old, far too young to be wrenched away from his mother and siblings, but the owner lives in an area where pits are illegal (I won’t get into THAT argument!). He needed to get rid of the puppies immediately. Fred had already reserved one, expecting to pick it up at the end of the month, but responded to the frantic call last Friday. That means we not only have to watch out more carefully for his health, but we also need to socialize this pup.
Needless to say, we have not slept much since the arrival of little Smooch. The first two days he was bottle fed every four hours with special milk from the pet store. Now he can drink from a small bowl, still the special milk, and can even take tiny amounts of dried puppy food, crushed and diluted in warm water. My good-natured Grump accepted him with a sniff....until the puppy tried to nurse there! Oops! It sorta soured the relationship for the moment.
He so reminds me of Bud; his color (which will darken with age) and his attitude. Grump’s warning growl makes him back away, but not too far. He sits there, showing respect, but doesn’t run away and hide; a sign that he is his own dog.
Why the name Smooch? He wrinkles up his face, much like my son, Jo, will do when teasing. Jo grabs me, wrinkles up his face, purses his lips and says “Gimme a smooch, mama!”
Smooch, plus a heavy work load, plus Suzie being here yet for a few more days, plus my babysitting the rugrats between 4 and 8 the last two nights...and I guess I could add that I’ve been watching my Habs win a couple of games....well...that’s why I haven’t been posting. But I do come in and click and read (beginning to sound old, isn’t it?) and sometimes comment.
But – the biggest reason is my internet problem...which is now fixed as of this morning. I am now able to see pictures without waiting 5 minutes for them to load, can watch videos, and listen to music posted on this site or in my e-mails, so... BC-A – I’m back into reading you!!
I am dipping into my snoozing time here by taking the moments to write this, but it’s okay. I’m rejoicing in the celebration of life right now: puppies, rugrats, love...and a winning HABS team. I’m remembering that life is good, and I am SMILING!!!
Sharing it with y’all!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Je te crois que la vie est belle avec tout ce qui t'arrive.Ton petit chiot est devenu le pôle d'attraction dans la maison. Je trouve çà beau que Fred ait eu cette pensée . On dirait que tu es entouré de gens qui t'aiment et pensent à toi. You are a rich girl, et surtout, je dis bien surtout que le CH vient de gagner. Lucky girl.
And a winning habs team......We don't look at the same games. They are out for this year, and next year, and thereafter, We wil have to bring in a midget 3A from the west to play agains them.(LOL)
Your Smooch is delightful. May he bring you joy.
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