I can’t remember my dreams, but something woke me rather abruptly at 4:46 this morning. When I glanced at the clock, I immediately thought of Suzie, who was probably already on her long drive back to Troy. I was up to see her last night to say goodbye. On Tuesday morning, I’ll be doing the same with my grandson. He’ll be leaving for Medicine Hat, Alberta; a group of them are driving a truck the 3200 km, or 1988 miles, and expect to arrive there for Saturday.
It is going to feel strange to be alone in the house again. I’m used to it, of course, having been that way for some time before Fred moved in downstairs. Not long after his arrival, Bird came to live with me too. Between the three of us, there was much coming and going of friends, family, nurses. It’s been a full year of activity. Now it will be back to just me and Grump for a while...and one can’t forget Smooch. No doubt he’ll provide distraction. Puppies, like babies, require many hours of care. They tend to bring you back to reality with a thump, avoiding the danger of slipping into your own little world for too long.
The weekend will be spent working; this is a busy time of year for anyone who does accounting. Making sure Fred’s clothes are all washed and ready to go, baking some cookies for his trip, and – oh, joy! – learning how to use all those buttons on his huge TV! While he is away, I’ll be treating myself to a night of Shrek movies in 3D on a large screen.
I also need to find my passport. The trip to Riviera Maya is on; we’re leaving on April 8th. If Fred is not here to doggie-sit, one of his friends will come to stay while I’m gone. He’s a good fellow, and the dogs are used to him. In the meantime, I need to brush up on my Spanish.
The sun is shining here this morning – my mountain is awesome with its layers of fresh, sparkling snow. Little Smooch is losing his battle with a mat under the watchful eye of a disapproving Grump, and Jesse Cooke’s sweet guitar is crooning from the sound system. There is a lot for which to be thankful...so a body can’t help but SMILE.
Sharing it with you as always!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
El espanol es un idioma fâci l de aprender. Pero no te preocupes con esto porque en Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeexico todos hablan Ingles. Estoy muy feliz por ti...Kilroy. Ben ben content pour toi. The nearest place for you to get a passport is in Laval on boul. St Martin. The sun is also shining here. I feel lazy, I should go for my walk. Hasta la vista,
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