Grump, counting silently to 10...LOL
The Dunany Demons are at their worst this morning; ice rain is falling over the whole area here. Guess who is SO happy that she doesn’t have to brave the elements, and other drivers, to commute to the city for work??
Bad weather or not, I will take a short drive up to see Suzie later. A resident of Troy, MI, my friend is heading back to the U.S. of A. tomorrow after spending six weeks among family and friends. I’ll miss her, as I always do when she leaves. We will talk on the telephone every few days for the next 6 months, but it’s not quite the same as face to face, is it?
My Grump is finally allowing the puppy to play with him occasionally...stress on the word ‘occasionally’! Grump gets along well with other dogs, but was reluctant when he realized that Smooch was not just another pain-in-the-butt visitor; this one was here to stay. Grump’s nose is decidedly out of joint. Fred and I both take pains to show him that he is still first doggie, but we also make it plain that Smooch is now a member of the pack. Acceptance without strife is mandatory because the leader of the pack (me!) wants it so!
I wasn’t worried about him not eventually taking it in his stride. I have loved many pets over the years, but Grump’s character is one of the best that I have ever had the privilege to enjoy. Unlike Bud, who I loved deeply, but who was a bull in a china shop, I can take Grump anywhere, and his behaviour is exemplary. That doggie seems to use more intelligence and reasoning than a good number of humans who have crossed my path.
This is a short post – written mostly to chase numbers from my head. I’m still lamenting the fact that I ended up doing accounting for a living. Ah well – everything happens for a reason. Or could it have just been lazy choices? We won’t go into that today....
In spite of my dislike of numbers (unless they’re in my bank account), I still have more than ample causes to SMILE - and if none were close by, I’d go looking for one! Or make one up!
However I find that SMILE, you know I’m willing to share it with y’all, so out it goes...up and away. It should be knocking on your door any moment now.....
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Je suis gâté, trois blogs en ligne . Knowing how to count is good for you, no problems with the art of counting your blessings. As tou say: There's a reason for everything. If you did possess this trade, you could not work from your home, and this is what you want, is it nor, Lucky girl, and the opportunity to raise a baby, something you like. Hugs....Kilroy
Je suis gâté, trois blogs en ligne . Knowing how to count is good for you, no problems with the art of counting your blessings. As tou say: There's a reason for everything. If you did possess this trade, you could not work from your home, and this is what you want, is it nor, Lucky girl, and the opportunity to raise a baby, something you like. Hugs....Kilroy
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