It was a three hour trek to get home on the snowy roads last night. Bumper to bumper, at 10 KM/hour – the radio announcer telling us over and over that the conditions were terrible, be careful, drive slowly. There were fender-benders, an overturned transport truck, and stalls to avoid…all quite normal for our first winter storm. Having anticipated the scene before even leaving the house yesterday morning, I sat back in my comfortable 4-wheel drive, secure that my snow tires were already installed, the gas tank was full, the window washer topped up…and went with the flow. If the Dunany Demons were trying to aggravate me, their efforts failed. I love winter in Quebec.
The doggies greeted me with their usual exuberance, and were even happier to join me in a short walk down the lane to collect the emptied garbage container. I knew the ploughs would be out during the night; it wasn’t a good idea to leave the container by the side of the road. There was a risk of it being knocked into the ditch and buried.
The doggies clamoured for love, food, then more love…in that order, LOL! A short time later they were fed, the fires were crackling, appetizing aromas from my own meal in the oven wafted through the kitchen, and I stood by the huge window, glass of wine in my hand, looking at the snow swirling around outside. I could only see a short distance past the realm of light from the exterior lamps – the tall evergreens were blurred, dark shadows in the background. Grump was sitting beside me, his gaze alternating between the window and my face. Bud stood, leaning heavily against my leg, pushing me with his nose, looking for more cuddles. “Snug as a bug, we are,” I informed them aloud. They both grinned up at me, tongues lolling. They agreed.
I’m waiting now to see if it’s worth trying to get into the city office. If I do go, I’ll be alone there today. The daughter of one employee has the measles, so she’s in quarantine. Two of the others had appointments, unfortunately scheduled for the same date, and there is one who has a cold. She should have stayed home yesterday – the tickle in my nose this morning suggests that the damage is already done.
With that I leave you, folks, wishing you a great day, and sending you SMILES!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Avec mes pelles dehors à 6h45 en train de pelleter ,les courses le tennis, j'ai pu lire ton blog à 17h seulement. Le paysage doit être beau en titi chez vous dans ta montagne, parcontre, did you stay home and did not have to drive in that crasy weather. Je parle Anglais quand il le faut. Bonne décision de rester chez toi,...j'espère.....? j,ai eu à sortir en auto à bonne heure et c'est pouce par pouce que j'avançais, toujours à m'accommoder des fous de la route. Take care...Kilroy...xxx
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