I posted some pictures of my home on Facebook, and had comments from others who live quite close, and I quote, “Holy sh*t! Where did all that snow come from? We have hardly any yet!”
I can remember when I first moved to my house. It was in the month of January a few years back. Before then I had been living close to the city centre of Montreal, where the winter was reasonable. On my drive up, I noted that it was slightly less reasonable in the town nearest my destination. When I arrived at the house itself, I found snow banks higher than my car!
It still happens. There will be storms here, and plenty of that white, fluffy stuff will stick around, while those who live only 20 minutes away are gazing at bare lawns and trees. I have never attempted to discover the scientific explanation, preferring to accuse my ‘Dunany Demons’. I always thought they were a figment of my imagination, but am now wondering if they are not a family branch of Kabu’s gnomes.
I was of the opinion that these ‘Demons’ tended to stick pretty close to my mountain, although now and then they would visit my friend, Kilroy, just to keep him in shape with a bit of shovel-muscle. Lately the little buggers have aroused my suspicion – do they have advance notice of my itinerary? Why is it that nearly each time I am to drive my brother to the hospital, the weather changes to rain or snow? How come the trucks are sanding roads out here, while the highways only 15 miles away are still bare? And last but not least, Karen informed us that the sun was shining and it was warm before we landed in Saskatoon. How did it happen that, on the exact day of our arrival, the temperature plummeted to -23 and snow started pouring down?
The plot thickens….
We won’t tell them, but my Demons picked the wrong person in their effort to frustrate. I love snow! I expect it would disgust them to no end if they realized that I actually have a fondness for their antics, so I’ll stay silent…just in case they decide to turn things around. Who wants to live in constant summer?? (Put your hands down now…I can’t count that high, LOL!)
This morning, Kilroy mentions that the storm has passed him by. Here, however, the demons have been appearing off and on since Friday, and are at work again this morning. Nothing very substantial yet, but I have a feeling they are just biding their time. I expect they know I have a busy week ahead, with plenty of driving to do, and are waiting for the right moment. In the meantime, they’ve sent a division out to bug my friends in Ontario, and I imagine their efforts to frustrate proved more fruitful there. Some places in that area got up to 45 cm. Would our friend, Nautikos, or Karen’s brother, Willie, be shovelling today, do you think?
There is absolutely no use swearing at the winter weather; it’s going to happen anyway. Now, however, I have given you a name to which your cussing can be directed. It won’t stop the snow, but it’s somehow more gratifying, don’t you find? I can hear it now, a collection of voices yelling ‘$*.”%, you Dunany Demons! Go back where you came from!!”
That picture makes me SMILE!!!
Have a good day, folks!
Luv from the Snowy Bush in Quebec
Quelle belle photo qui me fait mieux comprendre ton côté amoureux des Dunany. Un paysage bucolique qui porte à rêver. Je ne déteste pas l'hiver, sauf qu'elle devient un handicap au temps des tempêtes qui nous empêche de sortir, mais on ne peut pas trop se plaindre parce que les grosses tempêtes ont été rares ces dernières années.C'est notre nature de chiâler quand çà ne fonctionne pas à notre goût.
I am trying to find out more about your mischievous critters ...but when I googled, it brought me here.
Could both you and I be slightly eccentric...or is it the rest of the world? Hmnnnnnnn. Rest of the world I declare.
love ..Kabu.
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