This is last year's tree
How many of you watched the HABS lose to the Wings last night? It was a great game, but even Jacques Martin, the HABS’ coach, who rarely complains, made mention of the penalties merited but not assigned to Detroit…especially in the 3rd period. Hooking was the name of the day – but ignored if it was done by the Wings…GRRR.
We win some, we lose some – but there will be no logos crossing the border today. Sam (from Blog-it) and I kept a steady commentary going by e-mail – each cheering for different teams, of course. But Sam is kind – whereas there was no way I was going to answer the phone if the Caller ID showed it was Suzie – I know her hubby, Francisco, was waiting to rub it in, LOL! Ah well, we’ll get our revenge on Toronto tonight, and I’ll express sympathy to my brother and Nautikos! I doubt I’ll see much of the game. My Cuban Susie is having her annual Christmas party for her ‘girls’, of which I am one. I will contact her son today (without Susie knowing) and ask him to set up the TV in their playroom so that I can slip down there now and then to at least check out the score.
Not one client showed up for the Christmas 5 à 7, but the employees had a good time. It could have been because it was so early this year, or that the surprise snow storm had everyone busy catching up, or that J., who was responsible for contacting and confirming attendance, was lax in completing the task. I will know in the end; things always come out eventually. In any case, I was not unhappy about being able to leave early. My doggies had already been alone at the house long enough, and I was expecting a visit from the Federal Government Inspector the next day.
Having the inspectors insist on verification is not a good thing. What’s more, it was for companies belonging to my ex-associate, who had not contacted me since our last unfortunate meeting. I reached him finally. Even though there was nothing he could do, I felt he needed to be warned. The inspector was to arrive at 11 AM on Friday, but showed up an hour early, and Oh-la-la! All the girls melted when he walked into the office. Uh-huh – some eye-candy! He was not only extremely handsome, but very polite and smiley. A wolf in sheep’s clothing? Probably, but I gave him the papers he requested, and he left 3 hours later without sharing any information…so now we wait.
I’m finally going to run in and pick up my Christmas tree today. Tomorrow, if weather permits, my son and Yoshiko, and my brother, will be coming to help set it up and decorate. I love the holiday season, but this year, up to now, I have only had fleeting glimpses of that Christmas spirit. Usually it hits me much earlier; I float around humming carols and Santa tunes until the big day. Hopefully the tree will help get me back to normal.
There’s things to do and places to go…and two doggies clamouring for my attention, so I’ll wish you a good day and be on my way (You see that? , I’m getting this rhyming thing down!!). Sending you a big SMILE, folks, with a little piece of mistletoe on it!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
1 comment:
Je ne crois pas que tu es à t'en faire avec le gars du gouvernement si tout est correct de ton côté, mais sais t'ont jamais du côté du client, à moins que toi aussi tu sois devenue croche en vieillissant...ce que je ne pense pas, sais t'ont jamais? Je regarderai les résultats de la partie de hockey demain matin et déciderai si tu es de bonne humeur ou pas.)LOL) Kilroy...xxx
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