The phone rang last night during the first period of the HAB’s game. Most people know better. I glanced at the Caller ID. It was Suzie (from Detroit); I would have to set her straight on the schedules. Her husband is an avid Wings fan (of course!), so if he is not watching a game, she figures it is safe to call. Except…Detroit and Montreal often play on alternate evenings. I’m sure I have mentioned it to her previously, but would make a point of warning her again. There was only 3 minutes left before the period end, so I picked up and launched right in.
“What are you doing calling me during a hockey game?” My tone was belligerent. Anyone who knows Suzy can tell you that I wouldn’t get away with it. It took her all of 15 seconds to put me in my place, LOL! Her descriptions of my fanatic ‘hockeyism’, and what I could do with it, would put a blush on the cheeks of the nastiest scoundrel! I was well aware what her retort would be; I relish the friendly sparring which takes place when we disagree on something. Suzie is one of those rare persons who can tell you where to get off, her voice soft with the utmost courtesy, but her words barbed and striking with deadly accuracy. You walk away stunned, wondering what just hit you, but knowing without a doubt that SOMETHING did! My mom excelled at it; my brother is a close second, and Suzie is cut from the same cloth; three formidable masters of ‘Touché!’
She’ll be coming up to Canada for Christmas and the New Year, and I’m looking forward seeing her again. Karen (from Saskatoon) is to drop in around the same time, Dawna already lives ‘just 10 minutes away as the crow flies’, so this promises to be an eventful and fun-filled holiday season. I’m thinking maybe I should put up warning signs – something like ‘Beware – Senior ladies on a roll – Enter at your own risk!’
I know I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. Close and true friends are a precious commodity. I’m fortunate that mine stood by waiting until I got my head on straight and remembered they were there. All I had to do then was turn around and walk straight into their welcoming arms. Mind you, some of them are a bit roguish, but that keeps them from being dull. I’m sure Kilroy agrees, LOL.
With that said, and all the time I’ve spent since 4 AM this morning reading posts on Kilroy’s blog and in Blog-it, then writing my own, I am running late! I’ll wish you all a super day, spent with good buddies if possible, and send you a warm SMILE to top it off!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
La photo doit avoir été prise il y a une bonne secousse parce que je ne me souviens pas de t'avoir déjà vue avec une paire de "overalls" de travail sur le dos, à moins que ce soit une nouvelle mode qui m'ait échappée.Je me pose la question, comment çà se fait que Suzie a retenti à Détroit, c'est pas à la porte. Ne pas me répondre, çà ne me concerne pas. Content pour toi que tu as la chance d'avoir de bonnes amies avec qui placoter à cœur ouvert. Kilroy....xxx
La photo était en 1995 - déjà 15 ans de ça!! Suzie a rencontré son mari en Mexique, pendant les vacances. C'était un resident de Detroit - en après l'avoir marié, elle est allée rester là-bas. Il a un commerce de beton/asphalt à Detroit.
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