Sunday, January 15, 2017


Once again it has been awhile. My life seems to rotate in cycles of busy, very busy, and extreme busy with short breaks where there is total quiet. I can’t remember many of the latter.

Our oldest Rugrat was at first quite reluctant to join us. Life was much easier living with a permissive Mommy who let him do pretty well whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.  Knowing that there were feelings resulting from the separation, my son didn’t pressure him. The school called a meeting and stressed that, yes, the boys needed to follow along – his grades were plummeting and his attitude was deteriorating. He needed his Dad. The first day of his arrival was a little tense; he was keeping his distance from all of us. It didn’t take long for that to change. It’s very difficult to fight attention, especially when it’s what you want anyway. I knew it would turn out fine. This was the Rugrat, after all, who had once told me that he really loved his life while living here.

Little Miko is thriving in these surroundings, and how could she not? She bosses the dogs around when they are in her way, will hug them when they’re not, and has learned to hit the floor and throw her arms up to hide her head when she sees Eli come running at her. She isn’t crazy about the ear washes Eli bestows each time there is an opportunity, LOL! She’ll look around and make sure it’s all clear before getting up to resume her play.

Eli and the youngest Rugrat have made their peace. The child has realized that one needs to be kind to animals, and Eli has decided that he too is one of her pack, so all is well. Sam, except for his size (he thinks he’s a Chihuahua), was never a problem – he’s just big and noisy but extremely affectionate, and is now Miko’s guardian. If she even whimpers he is beside her immediately, and he checks out anyone else approaching her with a stern eye.  Mommy always was a sweetie, and when she gets tired of all the activity she’ll disappear to relax on my bed.

Working full time, then coming home to a full house means very few free hours for anything other than sleeping, but I’ve never done much of that anyway. I do miss writing, but I read daily in Blogit so keep up on your doings at least.

People shake their head when they hear about the situation, wondering aloud how I am able to handle it at my age. Handle it??? I love every minute of it, and it shows by the size of my SMILE!

Sharing it with y’all, aren’t I??

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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