Sunday, November 10, 2013


I apologize for my prolonged silence, folks. It’s taking me some time to get into a smooth routine here. The commute to the new job is anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes each way, depending on the traffic, and there are 2 doggies, and now a kitty, who are finding the change not at all to their liking. They are demanding attention in the before and after hours. I also kept the couple of small clients I had, and their stuff needs to be done too. The most important thing is that I now see a light at the end of that financially-harassed tunnel and no longer fear losing my home.

During my absence my great granddaughter, Léna, was born. I haven’t had the pleasure to meet her yet; that’s a plan for this afternoon. Both mommy and baby are doing well; grandson Fred, who assisted his daughter’s birth, even to cutting the cord himself, is ecstatic and proud as a peacock, and my daughter is glowing with that special aura reserved for first-time grand mammas.

Another thing that needs to be done today is the introduction of Bandit to two very curious pit-bulls. Bandit has been enclosed in my bedroom for the first week, except during night hours when doors are closed, allowing him to roam and get familiar with his new habitat without the attendance of Grump and Smooch. Each is aware that the other is there, but I have yet to have them interact. The dogs were used to grandson’s female cat - she grew up here – but this is a new, 3 year old male, also used to dogs, but not THESE dogs. Helen was quite adamant that I be present for the event, with good reason, but I was too tired during the week and yesterday was spent doing errands, a long walk with the dogs (who get very little during the week) and catching up on tasks in the house.

If there is any day to help me forget that I have once again joined the rat-race, it is this wonderful Sunday! We have at least 3 inches of snow outside, and it is still falling; the fires are burning cheerfully, a good part of my time will be spent cooking for the week ahead, and I’ll be cuddling the sweet little newborn, surrounded by family. What more could a lady want?

I am so SMILING!! And because I’ve been storing them up, there is a whole whack of SMILES going out your way...big and warm and happy!!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

ladymugins said...

Congrats Great Grandma!! Love and hugs Merkie