Monday, June 3, 2013


It started on Thursday. My long-time friend, Dawna, invited me to supper at her home. I enjoy going there anyway, and she further enticed me by sending a message that dessert would be rhubarb and strawberry crisp. I have a great weakness for anything with rhubarb. Her hubby, Malcolm, put a gallon of their delicious self-brewed red wine on the table when I walked in, and it just got better from there on, lol! It was the usual great evening, and I arrived home late enough. The doggies’ greeting was enthusiastic, although a little insistent. Because I haven’t been going anywhere for any length of time since my return from Japan, they’ve gotten used to all the attention that comes from my constant presence.

On Friday my only godchild, who is expecting her first baby in August, showed up at 1:30 and stayed well past 7:30 PM. I don’t see her often, so we had much catching up to do. I left Grump and Smooch outside on the long gallery during her visit, mostly because they didn’t want to settle down. She was getting nervous with their repetitive turning around our feet as we were sitting, and the weather was good anyway, so after the 3rd attempt at having them lie down quietly, I opened the door and shooed them away. Even if I locked the door so that Smooch couldn’t open it (which he does quite easily), it didn’t stop my youngest pit from trying to come in more than once. Allowed to enter when my godchild departed, their demand for attention was again more persistent than normal.


Saturday evening I attended the annual birthday party for two of my ‘adopted’ lads. It was being held in the backyard of one of their homes, and a downpour contributed to my leaving the house later than planned. It was the fun time that brought me back home later than planned too. The dogs were high strung when I arrived, so I spent an hour outside, letting them run. Smooch managed to get all the neighboring dogs barking (at 3:30 AM!!) before I managed to get him back in. Even my reliable Grump, the older pit, was showing signs of rebellion.

No matter what all the trainers or manuals say, and although I can’t speak for other breeds, I’ve lived with and have actual experience with pit-bulls and their characters. Aware of their present attitudes, I knew it would be just a matter of time before they would take some ‘revenge’ action. They were not getting the attention they have been used to recently and now think they deserve. Short of having them run a few miles every day to completely tire them out, they would retaliate. Nothing extreme, mind you, because they are good dogs. But they would find a way to show me that they were not pleased.

They did exactly that last night.

I woke at 2:30 AM this morning to the sound of them moving around in my bedroom. They hardly ever come in there unless one of them is sick. That wasn’t the case now. They just kept walking and walking, in and out of the room, their nails clicking on the hardwood floor, until I was groggily awake. As soon as I lifted my head, they would lie down. The quiet would last for 5 minutes, then they were back up strolling again. Grump was the worst, but Smooch was following suit, and it was driving me bonkers. I finally got out of bed, grumbling, and opened the door and ordered them out. They were there for 2 seconds, then scratching to come inside. I acquiesced, and told them to get to their couches. They obeyed, but I heard them back at it within minutes. Grrrr!!

I finally got up, NOT in a good mood. The mood didn’t get any better when I found one of my plants in the living room on the floor, earth spread all over, and the plant destroyed. One of them had left a huge puddle in the hallway, and a sock, a slipper and a shoe were in pieces from one end of the house to the other. They never do things like this, but.........

Okay, fellows. Revenge noted. Now it was my turn to show them who is boss, and that Mistress was not pleased. Doling out direct punishment doesn’t work well; I have learned that removing rewards is much more productive. Today their liberty was severely curtailed; no joining me in the office, no following me around, no petting nor the usual affection and play I do with them. They got their supper, but not their daily chewies or snacks. They were restricted to the kitchen, their couches and the gallery. Tonight I will relent and let them run, but with supervision, and for a very short time only. I will continue to ignore them, except to give them commands. Believe me, it works better than any ass-kicking could do.

By tomorrow morning we’ll be back to normal. They’ll wait until I have my coffee in hand, then they’ll slide down from their couches and approach me for their morning cuddle. I’ll give them each a big hug and tell them what good lads they are before letting them out, and we’ll all be SMILING.

Sharing those SMILES with you, folks!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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